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Re: Jaw and PN

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 3:39 am
by Lily721
I also have had jaw issues all my life. Around the time my IC really kicked in (12 years old) I also noticed my jaw starting. My jaw definitely flares under stress just from clenching. Over the last 10 years my bottom teeth cracked and would keep breaking. Finally I asked the dentist to simply file them down a bit and without the obstruction my jaw closes more normally which has alleviated some of the problems with it. Nothing alleviates the vulvodynia though... ugh

I've always thought all of my connective tissue was off or 'loose' allowing things to go wonky in all directions. As I got older and did more things, the odds just improved that things would be thrown off. I bowled for many years, did thigh exercises on a ridiculous little machine... all of those things I think added to the destabilization of the pelvic floor, hips, back. I also have flat feet. So much of it remains a mystery though.

Re: Jaw and PN

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 5:18 am
by elephants27
i never thought that they can be connected! that is crazy.
i have tmj and have had it for over 10 years, i have had pn for almost 7 years. if there is a connecton that is absolutly nuts! and might explain a lot. next time i see my denist i will ask him about it too. and when i go back to see the pn doc next month i will also ask him as well. weird! but crazy!

Re: Jaw and PN

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 4:49 pm
by Emily B
I also have TMJ pain & fibromyalgia.

Emily B.

Re: Jaw and PN

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 9:13 pm
by flyer28
I can see some interlinkage between TMJ and CPPS. In several articles I have read the metaphor that pelvic myoneuropathy is "TMJ disorder of the pelvis". For us, suffering with both conditions, it might mean that our alignment is prone to be assualted by minor microtraumas, spasms, misalignmnet etc...I have suffered with atypical facial pain radiating from temporomandibular joints for many years (maybe 10) and there were days when the pain was really bad...and the triggers (stress) were also similar like in pelvic pain. The similarity in both pain patterns is obvious...There is vicious circle - small misalignment - muscle spasms - nerve inflammation - stress worsening baseline pain....This might be the clue in our condition.

Re: Jaw and PN

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 6:41 pm
by stephanies
I saw a new PT last week who said that 60% of the pelvic pain patients she sees have TMJ as well.
