3-Tesla MRN at Johns Hopkins

Discussion of magnetic resonance imaging and magnetic resonance neurography
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Re: 3-Tesla MRN at Johns Hopkins

Post by calluna »

Just a bit of input regarding Bartholins cysts - I doubt that your PT will have been working on this.

I've had problems with Bartholins cysts in the past.

Bartholins glands are just inside the entrance to the vagina and produce the normal lubrication fluid. Sometimes the little duct leading to the surface can become either completely or partially blocked and a cyst may form. This may be small and cause no problems at all, or it may be quite large (we're talking golfball size here, or indeed larger) and very painful. Also, the cyst may become infected.

An inflamed or infected Bartholins cyst would be hard, hot to the touch, and really very painful indeed.

The usual way of dealing with such a cyst is to drain it, after an appropriate course of antibiotics if there is time, and if the cyst doesn't burst on its own (may I just say, ouch) and often to marsupialise the duct, ie to open it out to form a sort of pocket, otherwise the formation of scar tissue makes it likely that the duct may block again in the future. These cysts do tend to recur otherwise.

(FYI, I had one cyst that burst while I was waiting for surgery. It came back three months later, this time they got me in faster and marsupialised the duct. I've had no problems since.)

Hope that you find a solution that works for you, anyway!
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Re: 3-Tesla MRN at Johns Hopkins

Post by carolynm »


Pudendal Neuralgia: Nerve Compression or Radiculopathy ?

Eric de Bisschop M.D.

Neuro-urogynaecology. Electrophysiological Investigations Unit
Clinic Axium
Aix-en-Provence. France.

Look up this article. It suggests that a lumbar issue could be causing PN. I'm pursuing this route.
PN after using pickaxe doing yardwork 6/11
Potter MRI: Scar tissue abutting L pudendal.
Hibner consult 10/11 w/ plan: 2 mo. PT
No meds work for me
PRF X 3 times in Denver ( was pain free for 5 months after second)
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