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a series of blocks

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 6:08 am
by hopeman

After the left side surgery, my upper anus muscle pain which trigger into the deep burning pain disappear immediately. My left side pain decreads also. My retal pain decreased largely. My pain now focus in perineum (both side), and the right side is more pronounced than left side. What is your suggestion for me according my condition now?
Canway suggest that if you have pn compression, early surgery increase the cured rate, do you agree.

a series of blocks

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 6:11 am
by hopeman

After the left side surgery, my upper anus muscle pain which trigger into the deep burning pain disappear immediately. My left side pain decreads also. My retal pain decreased largely. My pain now focus in perineum (both side), and the right side is more pronounced than left side. What is your suggestion for me according my condition now?
Canway suggest that if you have pn compression, early surgery increase the cured rate, do you agree.

Re: Age and PN

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 8:16 am
by Violet M
I agree with Stephanie that it is still too early to conclude anything about your surgery results. You may still improve. I have known other people who just had surgery on one side and later the other side was worse so they went back for surgery on the other side so it is an option you could keep open if other things don't help.

Have you tried any physical therapy yet? How bad is your new pain and can it be managed with treatments that aren't invasive? If so, that would be less risky than an invasive surgery.


Re: Age and PN

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 5:35 pm
by hopeman

My right side perineum pain is not very painful. I worry I have right side pne.

I do not know what physical theraphy can I do for the possible right side pne.

Can you tell me.

Did you find other people who had one side surgery, and then developed the other side pain and the other side pain automatically cure?


Re: Age and PN

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 1:18 am
by Violet M
Hopeman, I know people who had surgery on one side and then later had surgery on the other side because they developed pain there too. Since surgery has some risks, I just feel like it's worth it to try physical therapy with myofascial release before trying surgery -- even if you have already tried surgery on one side. But that's just my opinion because I know of people who got worse from surgery.


Re: Age and PN

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 4:24 pm
by hopeman

My last pn surgery also exposed my sciatic nerve too. After two months of surgery, I developed foot pain, sometimes leg pain, when I stand or walk. However, EMG test, conductive test, MRI and ultrasound test showed that my sciatic nerve is normal, and there is no scar tissue around sciatic nerve. I do not have moving pain, starting pain. Did you ever see other people like me after surgery?
According to your experience here, what happens for my foot pain?


Re: Age and PN

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 7:33 pm
by Violet M
Hopeman, why did they expose the sciatic nerve? Was there some kind of pathology at the sciatic nerve? It's not something typically done with PN surgery.

I do know people who have developed foot pain after PN surgery. One of them thinks it was due to a reaction to the drugs taken. Not sure why the other one did but I know they had the Conway TG approach so I don't think the sciatic nerve was exposed.

I don't know if your foot pain will go away. Have you tried PT yet to see if it helps?


Re: Age and PN

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 9:27 pm
by Karyn
Violet M wrote: Was there some kind of pathology at the sciatic nerve? It's not something typically done with PN surgery.
Good question ...
Violet M wrote:I do know people who have developed foot pain after PN surgery. One of them thinks it was due to a reaction to the drugs taken. Not sure why the other one did but I know they had the Conway TG approach so I don't think the sciatic nerve was exposed.
I'm one of these people. Not from a med reaction, though. And no; Dr. Conway did not expose my sciatic nerve during the bilateral TG surgery.

Hard to say for sure, but my best theory is that there are many of us who have more than PN. The PN is a BRANCH of S2, S3, S4. So I think it's possible that if you can pathology within that branch, you can have pathology elsewhere within the main trunk of these nerve(s) AND it's other branches. The PN isn't exclusive to the sacral nerve roots.

I dunno ... :?


Re: Age and PN

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 12:49 pm
by hopeman
Violet and karyn

It is not necessary to expose sciatic nerve because my sciatic nerve is normal before surgery.
I developed foot pain after two months of surgery. EMG and conductive test, which is done recently, show that my sciatic nerve us normal. CT, MRI, which is done recently, show that there is no scar tissue around the sciatic nerve. I really do know why I have foot pain, sometisciatic have leg pain. Maybe my sciatic nerve is irritated due to surgery. I am sure that surgery did not damage my scatic nerve.


Re: Age and PN

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 1:57 am
by Violet M
Well, Hopeman, if nothing is damaged around the sciatic nerve, maybe you could try some physical therapy and see if that helps. Or you could try a TENS unit over the piriformis muscle. Those are what helped me get back to normal after surgery.
