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Re: Great Techniques and Tips that allowed me to Overcome PN

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 1:46 pm
by Lavrentzio
Hi Robb,

nice to share you story with us. It is so common, I see now. I have the same problems; start with some itching on penis, then urinating frequently, hard to start urinating, then burning pain in perineum and after all start to effect my erection. There is no bacterial prostatis, so everybody is telling me, I am ok and no one didn't mentioned pelvic problem or nerve problem. It is going now for 2 years, I know that you know that is horible. It is living from moment to moment, waiting and sometimes have feeling like nothing to live for anymore.
I found out about this pelvic pain or nerve problem; and that it could me done with some special excerice with muscles; or better to do with pelvic floor physiotherapist
I would like to ask you, ofcourse, anything; how are you doing excerice, did you read some books, and are you starting with some pelvic floor physiotherapist also? Are you doing better, or totaly like before? Do pain come back when you are afraid, or in stress, or after sex?

I heard that practice that you describe, I think are called "Hecgel practice" can help + some more practice.
I am getting a little hope, maybe I also have problems just with a nerves, and practice + some nerve stabilazer or muscle relaxing tabelts ( I also can read somewhere can help).
I am also starting to do my own search on internet, cause it is only hope. I would realy like to talk with you more about that, cause I saw that you are writing these days; we can also exchange some ideas on email after. I know, it is writen a little confusing, but I will try to make it better, next time; first time I am writing about this ...

Re: Great Techniques and Tips that allowed me to Overcome PN

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 7:36 pm
by Violet M
Hi Robb,

Just wondering how things are going for you. Are you having continued success with relaxation techniques, etc.?


Re: Great Techniques and Tips that allowed me to Overcome PN

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 11:34 pm
by Positivepoppy
Hi all
Thought this might be the right post to ask for any help and advice. I am 3months post TG bilateral surgery and have my first PT SESSION next week. Unfortunately I have been unable to find a specialist that deals with PNE IN MY Area but have found someone willing to learn and has dealt with pelvic core stability. I know it's trial and error and pain so acute that they are not going to be able to do much but are there any tips and advice anyone can offer me from their own experiences. I am just desperate to do something proactive to help.

Re: Great Techniques and Tips that allowed me to Overcome PN

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 11:42 pm
by Positivepoppy
Sorry Robb didn't mean to crash violets good wishes to you, pressed submit on wrong place. Like violet though hope you are doing well

Re: Great Techniques and Tips that allowed me to Overcome PN

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 10:41 pm
by janetm2
Dr Marvel prescribed nerve glides to avoid scar tissue build up but they were no picnic! E Somewhere there is a description on the sight of how to do nerve glides. Eventually they did rectal treatments since my pain is in that area but not sure when I could tolerate them.

Re: Great Techniques and Tips that allowed me to Overcome PN

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 1:07 pm
by manifestwill89
Hey Robb, I sent you a PM but I figure I'll ask here too.
I have dealt with first pain in my whole vulvar region that has now turned into numbness for 3 months, and it's getting worse. I have a few questions:
1. How long do I hold each contraction and relaxation?
2. I've practiced a little and I believe I'm targeting the rectal area/anus but do your front pelvic floor muscles also contract a little? Mine do. Is this okay? I know I definitely don't want to be doing kegels.
3. Did your numbness affect your orgasms as well?
4. Is there any danger in doing these exercises? Is it possible that they'll make it worse?
Thank you so much for your help!!