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Re: Scared for nerve block, should i do it?

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 10:00 pm
by Patty
We're your injections before or after surgery? In my opinion if you needed injections after surgery than the surgery did not work.

Re: Scared for nerve block, should i do it?

Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 2:59 pm
by Karyn
Thank you for your opinion, Patty. My injections were before surgery.
Just FYI ... it's not uncommon for some PN surgeons to recommend blocks after surgery to hypothetically de-sensitize the nerves. ;)


Re: Scared for nerve block, should i do it?

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 1:45 am
by sadie
I was permanently made worse by the pudendal nerve block that i received in a hospital in MD. The blocks gave me severe PGAD . I did not get the blocks from Dr. Conway. But after the blocks gave me PGAD, I came to him and he was aware of my history and how i got the PGAD. The doctor that gave me the PNB in MD. admitted that he caused the PGAD and said I had a 1% chance of getting it . (I was told that after the fact, and in front of my father that was with me at the appointment, specifically because I did not want it later to be the Doctor's word against mine) I had my first bi-lateral pudendal nerve decompression surgery w/ clitoral neurectomy with Dr. Conway and it saved my life. The surgery stopped the arousal in the clitoris and on the left side (that is, with medication), however the right side still has PGAD. I had a second PND surgery in 2013 with Dr.Hibner and the right side is still hell ...but I have to stay hopeful because it has only been a year....and lots can happen after the 1 year mark.