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Re: Cyclist Syndrome?

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 1:37 am
by Violet M
Bill, I think it is hard to predict with peripheral nerves what will happen -- I've heard so many varying stories over the years. My acupuncturist had a tumor removed from her leg and it took 12 years to get feeling back in it. But that seems more like an incident where the nerve was probably cut in surgery during removal of the tumor and then grew back over time, rather than nerve damage due to compression. My healing took place slowly over several years and can still flare up if I am extremely active. I recently had a 2 day flare-up where I actually resorted to using ice for the first time in years after a strenuous mountain hike but it settled down quickly. So, I wish I could say this is a temporary worsening of symptoms for you but I don't think anyone could really say for sure.
