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Re: New to this Forum

Post by Celeste »

Sgrandy makes excellent points. For myself, I can vouch that taking care of a newborn when you are in a lot of pain is just really, really hard.
PNE as a result of childbirth, 2002. Treatment by the Houston team, with neurosurgery by Dr. Ansell in 2004. My left side ST and SS ligaments were found to be grown together, encasing the pudendal nerve.

I am cured. I hope you will be, too.

There are no medical answers on the forum. Your only hope is to go to a doctor. I was very happy with the Houston team, which has treated the most PNE patients (well over 400), more than any other US provider.
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Re: New to this Forum

Post by pregmom »

I have explained my desire's to my OB...and I am being challenged about the decision...She really does NOT want to do the C-section and is requesting the records from my consult with Dr. Conway, as well as my records from my vulvovaginal specialist...I have been told she wants to make an 'informed' decision which I DO understand, however, why is MY opinion not important I ask??? As I said in previous posts, based on his internal exam, Dr. Conway has recommended a vag birth, and going to c-section if becomes too stressful...the vulvovaginal specialist agrees with the same approach....So when my OB reviews these records, I assume she is going to feel even better about the vaginal delivery decision.....My take on it as I have stated to my OB, is that this is the only piece within my control! Having a c-section is the only way that I know of to prevent further damage and pain...They ALL may be right in saying the vag birth is the way to go, but WHAT IF THEY ARE WRONG? If they cannot tell me exactly 'WHY' this pain is occuring, then How can they tell me it won't make it worse??????? I was in tears this am trying to advocate for myself with the NP at my OB's practice. I am at 33 weeks, and have a history of Premature delivery, so the fact that this decision is still in limbo is making me crazy! I'm losing sleep over it. This late in my pregnancy, I don't really have an option of looking for another OB whom will perform the c-section...I just have to CONVINCE my current one!!
Some women schedule these as a matter of convenience! I have a legitimate reason and I'm getting crap! What the hell?
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Re: New to this Forum

Post by Celeste »

Surgery has risks, and the hospital may make her justify a c/s every time. I think you should show her the other recommendations plus what research you've found by people who work in PN treatment. Explain to her (not the NP) that you really can't afford to get worse and have a newborn to take care of. Try everything you've got, and if she still says no, then work on trying to accept it. I'm sorry for the stress that this is causing you. No matter what, please don't let it ruin your baby's birth.
PNE as a result of childbirth, 2002. Treatment by the Houston team, with neurosurgery by Dr. Ansell in 2004. My left side ST and SS ligaments were found to be grown together, encasing the pudendal nerve.

I am cured. I hope you will be, too.

There are no medical answers on the forum. Your only hope is to go to a doctor. I was very happy with the Houston team, which has treated the most PNE patients (well over 400), more than any other US provider.
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Re: New to this Forum

Post by pregmom »


I DO understand her position and you are probably right that she has to justify her decisions....I just don't get why it matters to her which way or is not like I want a c-section just cause don't want to go thru a vag childbirth, or b/c it is not convenient for me...I feel I have VERY REAL and VALID concerns...Shame on me for waiting this long.....I thought I was content with the plan of "attempt at vag and going to c-section if too stressful" until now childbirth is looming right in front of the realization SOO frightening.....I pray that this works out whichever way it ends up.
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Re: New to this Forum

Post by calluna »

If the OB says that she wants to make an informed decision, then really she is doing exactly the right thing by requesting to see your records from Dr Conway and the information from the vulvovaginal specialist. She really should have all the information if she is to take good care of you.

And also - who knows? - you may have a smooth easy straightforward birth, many people do! You only tend to hear about the ones who have problems, don't forget.
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Re: New to this Forum

Post by pregmom »

Hi Calluna,

Thank you for making see the glass as half full; and u are right........these pain syndromes can really take a toll on a person's positive outlook...I have really adored my OB up to this point, and just recently have felt like she is working against me. I guess I need to put my faith in them...I have expressed my feelings and worries, provided my medical records and the info provided by celeste's paper as I need to let them decide the best course of action.

Thanks again :)
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Re: New to this Forum

Post by pregmom »

Hello all,

I am back, had my baby via c-section in April. Prior to pregnancy I was on neurontin for vulval pain which was was under control; also had on/off achiness between left vulva and thigh. Throughout the pregnancy the pain in the left vulva/goin area worsened and had mild vulval irritation. Did not worsen with sitting but worsened with movement. After delivery, the pain improved, I was walking for exercise, but still had pain on palpation of the area between left vulva and thigh. On the advice of my OB, decided to go for PT to try to wrap up the issue once and for all. Since started PT, pain is worse. PT was working externally at O Externus for 3 visits and just had one session of internal work.....PT found area of tenderness internally at the OI muscle. I now have achiness from the left of my vulva/groin area around the buttock to my hip and some slight vulval irritation. I cannot really say the vulval pain worsens with sitting, but I do now have that general hip, low back achiness which I guess makes sense if the OI is tight, it is a hip rotator. When I saw Dr. Conway back in Jan. for this pain, he did do an internal exam and he was not able to elicit pain when palpated at the ischial spine. Any thoughts? Musculoskeletal issue? PN?
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Re: New to this Forum

Post by Celeste »

pregmom wrote:he was not able to elicit pain when palpated at the ischial spine. Any thoughts? Musculoskeletal issue? PN?
Congratulations on having your baby! Can we just call you Mom now? :D

My thought is that it's great you don't have pain at the ischial spine; that was exactly where I did and it was awful. I'm sure your other symptoms are unpleasant but they don't sound like PN. I would definitely try some different PT and see if you can chip away it from different angles.
PNE as a result of childbirth, 2002. Treatment by the Houston team, with neurosurgery by Dr. Ansell in 2004. My left side ST and SS ligaments were found to be grown together, encasing the pudendal nerve.

I am cured. I hope you will be, too.

There are no medical answers on the forum. Your only hope is to go to a doctor. I was very happy with the Houston team, which has treated the most PNE patients (well over 400), more than any other US provider.
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Re: New to this Forum

Post by pregmom »

Yes I guess you can :D
Well what I am told is that my left side (internally) feels very different from my right; the OI muscle feels tight I guess. Right now I am taking advil for achiness and using ice when needed in the area btwn my vulva and L thigh. I don't have another PT appt for 3 wks as I am leaving on vaca on sat. for 2 weeks. Hopefully we can figure this out :).
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Re: New to this Forum

Post by pregmom »

Hi again Celeste,

My OB called the area of tenderness at the OI muscle 'myofascial pain'. I believe that just means tight muscle.
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