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Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 6:10 pm
by Karyn
AliPasha1 wrote:Who said that Dr. Hibner sends his patients to Weiss for diagnostic purposes. I have never heard of that.
Well, I personally know of at least one person and have heard from this same source that there are others.
AliPasha1 wrote:The best way to go is 3 Tesla MRI imaging and it needs to be further improved and all should be concentrated on it.
Yes, it does need to be improved. Or more radiologists need to be trained about what to look for in regards to nerve abnormalities and pathologies. This IS new, and newly released technology/techniques is seldom without flaws.


Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 6:20 pm
by AliPasha1
Dear Karyn,
From the same source. :D I can totally see that.



Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 6:43 pm
by GregT
AliPasha1 wrote:Who said that Dr. Hibner sends his patients to Weiss for diagnostic purposes. :?:

Patty told me this on an email. Patty works for Dr. Hibner. I got involved in this situation and ended up speaking to people who are high up with Dr. HIbner about it. I really didn't like that he was sending people solely to Hibner (which is what she seemed to be saying to me), and I especially didn't like that that person was Dr. Weiss.

I have never heard of that.

It was well documented and discussed on You must have missed it. I strongly told them that I would have a real problem if they continued this deal of Weiss only sending his patients who he felt were ready for surgery (meaning he'd sucked them dry of their money) and, in return, HIbner would send his patients that he didn't have time to address (due to his long waiting list) to Weiss. To me, the deal stunk. They ended up stating that they would offer patients a list of others to go to while they were awaiting their next visit to Hibner, rather than keeping this deal with Weiss in tact.

He does it whole protocol and is cautious of the TG surgery because of the invasiveness of the surgery.Why go to Houston and have their ligaments severed and take a high risk of developing SIJD,Piriformis miuscle syndrome etc.

Probably because there is NO HIGH RISK OF DEVELOPING SIJD, ETC.

Houston's diagnostic tools are obsolete PNMLT/EMG done by Poppeneey is considered an obsolete tool even by Nantes as well Dr. Bautrant.

Says who, you? During my 9 years of being on PN forums, the pnmlt has proven to be a good and accurate diagnostic tool. But, it has to be done right and by the right person. For example, Dr. Antolak, who is not a neurologist never could get the same results that they got in Nantes, France by Dr. Labat. He ended up no longer doing it because of this fact. However, both Nantes and Houston have results which have proven to be very accurate with what was found during surgery. You don't know the Houston or Nantes doctors, so please don't act as though you do.

They have no proper accurate diagnoses tools .

Actually, it's Dr. HIbner who is the one who is looking for ways to diagnose people. I believe he's done the injections (or had Dr. Q do them) before, am I right? Has he now stopped? Maybe he should have had this doctor go to Nantes with him when he learned the surgery (or did he have him go with him to learn from the French? You tell me)

Recently, he took the results of an MRI done in Phoenix radiologist (Dr. K) over Dr. Potter's in telling someone that they weren't ready for surgery. What do you think about that? Is he trying to keep all of the money at St. Joseph's now rather than allowing Dr. Potter to keep on being the expert in this MRI?

The only thing that they really depend on is Pudendal Nerve block which causes flares for days,months and even years and to some extent damages the nerve. :lol: LOL

So, when (and if) people get flares that damage the nerve, you consider it funny? You "Laugh Out Loud" about this? That's sad, Ali.

So, tell me how the PTs who work for Dr. Hibner can tell if someone is entrapped at the alcock's canal? Can you do this?

As far as imaging is concerned,I remeber Dr. Renenney wanted a 1.5 Tesla MRI with a contrast which never showed any nerve and when I went to him he just looked at it for 30 seconds and then threw it away in a corner back in 2008.Then he gave me a sheet saying my both ligaments will be severed and that's it.When I asked him what are the chances of developing Pelvic Instability when these ligaments are severed especially the Sacrotubeous ligament,he got mad

Really? How did he show his anger? What did he do?

and said that none of their patients ever developed SIJD,Piriformis muscle syndrome etc.

How do you know that any of their patients reported to him any of these issues?

Then hsi question was how did I know about these isssues and looked rather surpriesed.

Right. My guess is that he did not say "how do you KNOW about these issues". Maybe he asked you where you were getting this information from, perhaps? You are known to stretch the truth when it comes to discussion on forums. Are you doing it here?

He was lying as we all know because I have met patients from Nantes as well as Houston who developed SIJD,Piriformis muscle syndrome and so on.

So, if you met them then he should know this information? How so? Are all of your experiences the same as his? You're saying that if you met people who had problems with having their ligaments cut, then so did he. You're also calling him a liar. How sad and troubling. You must be in awful pain to say such things. I'll say a special prayer for you.

Pierre QC is one of them and he has posted his experience in Nantes.

Yes, Pierre and David. These are the 2 people who comprise your claim that there is a "high risk to develop SIJD if you have your ligaments cut"? Don't you think that you need some sort of controlled study of some sort to be calling doctors liars and to be stating such defamatory statements? But no, you just go on a few people you've met to give you the authority to spout off such non-factual statements. You don't fool anyone, Ali. People can easily spot someone who have agendas.

I am sure that Celeste will jump in that I am cured and never had any issues but there are other patients all along these years who became worse after the traditional TG approach both by nnates and Houston.

Where are they?

The best way to go is 3 Tesla MRI imaging and it needs to be further improved and all should be concentrated on it.

Perhaps this will eventually become the way to go. As of now, Dr. Hibner has tossed aside Dr. Potter's expertise in favor of St. Joseph's Dr. K. What's up with that? Is the lady who posted this also lying? Is everyone but you lying?



Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 6:46 pm
by GregT
AliPasha1 wrote:Dear Karyn,
From the same source. :D I can totally see that.

Karyn's post:
Well, I personally know of at least one person and have heard from this same source that there are others.
What Karyn seems to be saying is that this same source who was sent to Dr. Weiss also told them about others who were being sent to Weiss.

Karyn, if I'm wrong, please feel free to correct me.



Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 6:55 pm
by AliPasha1
You are really out of touch even with your own advocator Professor Robert. :D Please check the the following post by Zacho.

1) ... f=17&t=629

pudendal or obturator nearve?
by Zachco » Thu Dec 23, 2010 7:54 pm

hollow , I'm new hear and I am right now in my diagnosis period. I have had my first pudendal nerve block about 3 months ago. I would like to ask a few questions and I will also be happy to share my experience of almost 6 years of suffering .
My block was preformed in Nantes by Dr Riant after a consolation with him and another consultation with Dr Labate . Dr labat made an Interview and tested me physically for sensory abnormalities and trigger points, which in my case was very hard to find. I must mention I had many trigger points in the past, (mostly in the prostate and icheal spine area , but they had all gradually disappeared after 3 different curses of physiotherapy. Unfortunately the Pain is still with me , although I did have an improvement and benefit from this past treatments). Dr Labat did not preform any EMG OR other test. he Explained to me that this test appeared non-beneficial and that it was proved that a person might be damaged in the nerve according to this test but feel no pain at all, while others show the complete opposite therefore they don't use it any more. Dr Riant asked me many questions regarding to my pain the way it acts and his location and it seam by his reaction like he have seen many cases very similar to me . He explained that when we'll meat again in the day after to preform the infiltration I should be as much painful as possible , so I can tell for sure if my pain disappear as a result of the block for a complete diagnosis. This was very important information to me because my pain is located in 4 different places in the pelvis and it's nature is to move from one place to another, and so it might disappear from a spot or being very light in the morning hours.
The nerve block was preformed at the ligaments and it was very well tolerated by me. honestly I had expected it to be in a lot more pain. in this specific day when I came before the infiltration I was at pain level3 in the scale of 0 to10 and it was located mostly at the groin area left and right and some uncomfortable pain, sensation of a lump near my rectum only in the right. I also had some discomfort /light pain in my perineum and penis ,but nothing like the strong urethral ,perineal or rectal pain I had in so many other days during the last years. The block shut all pain down in the Penis perineum and rectum but left me with a heavy feeling of a swollen foreign body right to my rectum . the left perineum and rectum was completely free. After 10 minutes I have noticed that I am still feeling a burning sensation in both sides of my groin , similar to the filling of a very tight underwear. Dr Riant told me that the swollen sensation of a foreign body is common with this procedure. What is bothering me more, is the pain in the groin. I knew this area is not usually related to the pudendal nerve , and so I asked Dr Riant in the interview, if this is a sign for an ilioinguineal or a cutaneus nerve pain as I red in some articles before, but he related it more to be a hint for an obturator nerve. When I come back to my hotel later in that evening my pain had became a lot worst while walking to a restaurant for 1 kilometre and another one back my legs became very weak and I finally could barely keep my self standing. in that night the pain climbed up in bed to 7/8 and woke me up from my sleep . It had spread down to my inner thighs , an area I have felt very uncomfortable in the past but never painful like this . I continued to have strong pain in this area for weeks after this filtration and had a strong weakness in my legs . I have red some article about the obturator nerve later that describes a very similar situation to what I have. The pain I had in the last 3 months was more goring pain than rectal pain , unlike in the past. another different is that this pain is rising mostly after long walking and standing unlike the rectal/perineal pain that is activated by sitting or after sex. I can also happily tell that this kind of pain had started to decreased 1.5 month after the block and today I can sit for a lot more time than before , but this is steal pretty painful .
My next infiltration is in February and it supposed to be in the alcock canal .
I wonted to ask if anyone hear had nerve block in the obturator nerve and if there is entrapment in the obturator nerve, where is it's location and how can it be treated?
Should I inform the Dr's in advanced ? any comment on this subject will be very appreciated.Zachco

Posts: 4
Joined: Thu Dec 23, 2010 11:45 am
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2)b]And also from TIPNA and you can see Celeste’s response to that.[/b]

Joined: Sat Aug 22, 2009 12:07 pm
Posts: 74
Nantes and Bautrant aren't using PNMLT or EMG Testing anymor
This Post is especially for Celeste and Greg T as I have been stating for months after my trip from France that none of the French teams are using EMG or PNMLT testing anymore.That leaves the old fashioned Houston team still using PNMLT for diagnoses .Following is the proof. ... f=17&t=629

hollow , I'm new hear and I am right now in my diagnosis period. I have had my first pudendal nerve block about 3 months ago. I would like to ask a few questions and I will also be happy to share my experience of almost 6 years of suffering .
My block was preformed in Nantes by Dr Riant after a consolation with him and another consultation with Dr Labate . Dr labat made an Interview and tested me physically for sensory abnormalities and trigger points, which in my case was very hard to find. I must mention I had many trigger points in the past, (mostly in the prostate and icheal spine area , but they had all gradually disappeared after 3 different curses of physiotherapy. Unfortunately the Pain is still with me , although I did have an improvement and benefit from this past treatments). Dr Labat did not preform any EMG OR other test. he Explained to me that this test appeared non-beneficial and that it was proved that a person might be damaged in the nerve according to this test but feel no pain at all, while others show the complete opposite therefore they don't use it any more. Dr Riant asked me many questions regarding to my pain the way it acts and his location and it seam by his reaction like he have seen many cases very similar to me . He explained that when we'll meat again in the day after to preform the infiltration I should be as much painful as possible , so I can tell for sure if my pain disappear as a result of the block for a complete diagnosis. This was very important information to me because my pain is located in 4 different places in the pelvis and it's nature is to move from one place to another, and so it might disappear from a spot or being very light in the morning hours.
The nerve block was preformed at the ligaments and it was very well tolerated by me. honestly I had expected it to be in a lot more pain. in this specific day when I came before the infiltration I was at pain level3 in the scale of 0 to10 and it was located mostly at the groin area left and right and some uncomfortable pain, sensation of a lump near my rectum only in the right. I also had some discomfort /light pain in my perineum and penis ,but nothing like the strong urethral ,perineal or rectal pain I had in so many other days during the last years. The block shut all pain down in the Penis perineum and rectum but left me with a heavy feeling of a swollen foreign body right to my rectum . the left perineum and rectum was completely free. After 10 minutes I have noticed that I am still feeling a burning sensation in both sides of my groin , similar to the filling of a very tight underwear. Dr Riant told me that the swollen sensation of a foreign body is common with this procedure. What is bothering me more, is the pain in the groin. I knew this area is not usually related to the pudendal nerve , and so I asked Dr Riant in the interview, if this is a sign for an ilioinguineal or a cutaneus nerve pain as I red in some articles before, but he related it more to be a hint for an obturator nerve. When I come back to my hotel later in that evening my pain had became a lot worst while walking to a restaurant for 1 kilometre and another one back my legs became very weak and I finally could barely keep my self standing. in that night the pain climbed up in bed to 7/8 and woke me up from my sleep . It had spread down to my inner thighs , an area I have felt very uncomfortable in the past but never painful like this . I continued to have strong pain in this area for weeks after this filtration and had a strong weakness in my legs . I have red some article about the obturator nerve later that describes a very similar situation to what I have. The pain I had in the last 3 months was more goring pain than rectal pain , unlike in the past. another different is that this pain is rising mostly after long walking and standing unlike the rectal/perineal pain that is activated by sitting or after sex. I can also happily tell that this kind of pain had started to decreased 1.5 month after the block and today I can sit for a lot more time than before , but this is steal pretty painful .
My next infiltration is in February and it supposed to be in the alcock canal .
I wonted to ask if anyone hear had nerve block in the obturator nerve and if there is entrapment in the obturator nerve, where is it's location and how can it be treated?
Should I inform the Dr's in advanced ? any comment on this subject will be very appreciated.

Mild PNE symptoms
Last edited by AliPasha1 on Fri Jan 07, 2011 2:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Jan 07, 2011 11:14 am


Joined: Tue Mar 23, 2004 4:13 pm
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Doctors can do what they want to do, Ali, and you making your freakshow attacks on me changes nothing.

I don't know what's wrong with you, and I don't care. I just think you need to move on with your life and leave me alone. You're making yourself look more disreputable by the moment.

PNE from childbirth, 5/2002. Left side PNLMT 5.2, left side TG surgery 6/30/04, Houston.
Thickened SS and ST ligaments were grown together, encasing the nerve.

I'm cured. I hope you will be, too.

Fri Jan 07, 2011 12:34 pm

3)Another Post by an italian member Mikette on the European Forum and Judy's B reply to her whom I believe is the European Surgical Co-ordinator just like you are the North American co-ordinator for Professor Robert or the Nantes team.mikette

Joined: 23 Jun 2010
Posts: 42
Location: italia/ bologna
Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 8:36 pm Post subject: EMG/PNMLT Testing


on pudendalhope and tipna someone has stated:

The French doctors Professoor Robert of Nantes,France and Dr. Eric Bautrant of Aix En Provence who were the pioneers of EMG/PNMLT testing and used them for diagnostic purposes have totally disgarded the EMG/PNMLT testing alltogether in the last two years.Their reasoning being that it is an unreliable tool for diagnostic purposes.

does anybody have some more informations about that or different opinions?

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Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 12:37 pm Post subject: EMG/PNMLT Testing



It was in fact G Amarenco who started using this and the others followed.

They held several consensus meetings and agreed based on the results that it was only useful for providing supplementary information in some cases. For example it is unreliable in women who have had children as this in itself affects the nerve response. The test is also carried out lying down which means that the nerve(s) are not under pressure as they are in a sitting position. As a result of this data and papers that they have published jointly it is not a major part of the diagnostic criteria that have been agreed.

Our information leaflet on pudendal neuralgia which includes this should be published soon. We submitted for an evidence check for the Information Standard accreditation. Their report has come back and is very positive

Hope this helps



Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 6:57 pm
by Karyn
GregT wrote:What Karyn seems to be saying is that this same source who was sent to Dr. Weiss also told them about others who were being sent to Weiss.

Karyn, if I'm wrong, please feel free to correct me.

What I'm saying is, I personally know of someone who was referred to Hibner via Wiess. No botox, no pain pump, etc ... This person was an immediate surgical candidate based on Weiss's recommendation.


Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 7:05 pm
by AliPasha1
Hi Karyn,
Dr. Weiss is an expert when it comes Pelvic issues and PN diagnoses.He diagnosed me of PNE in 2007.However.his claims that he can cure people when they are actually entrapped is questionable.And I have issues with him not taking insurance.

Kind Regards,


Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 7:14 pm
by Karyn
Dear Ali,
I have issues with ANY doctor that doesn't take insurance. :x
AliPasha1 wrote:Dr. Weiss is an expert when it comes Pelvic issues and PN diagnoses.
Apparently, Dr. Hibner thinks so!

Warmest regards,


Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 7:22 pm
by Karyn
AliPasha1 wrote:none of the French teams are using EMG or PNMLT testing anymore.That leaves the old fashioned Houston team still using PNMLT for diagnoses
As far I know, Dr. Conway is still utilizing the EMG (a/k/a THE worst torture, ever!!!) Personally, I don't think any of these diagnostics is completely accurate.
Not the EMG, the PNMLT or the 3T MRI. However, as we've previously discussed, Ali - the results of my EMG is pretty consistent with the results of my 3T MRI.


Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 7:26 pm
by AliPasha1
Dear Karyn,
So are mine.Especially the dorsal nerve.

Kind Regards,