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Re: Which is the most reliable test for pudental nerve probl

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 4:36 pm
by shana
I can ask my PCP, he's been very helpful with my whole ordeal, though he doesn't know anything about PN, he never even heard of it until I enlightened him, he has since researched it and read up about, etc. I will ask him and see what he says though I'm sure he never heard of a Potter MRI so I'm not sure if he'd be comfortable ordering it. I'm not treating with any other doctors at the moment, no pain management or anything except Dr. Coleman for my hips. I did ask Dr. Coleman if he would order one for both my hips as well as pelvis but he doesn't think it's necessary....I'm going to email Dr. Conway and see what he says, it can't hurt.


Re: Which is the most reliable test for pudental nerve probl

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 4:55 pm
by Karyn
Hi Shana,
Glad to hear you have some support from your PCP. In regards to the MRI, it may be helpful if you presented him with this:

Hollis G. Potter, MD

Chief, Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Professor of Radiology
Weill Medical College of Cornell University

The address is as follows:
Diagnostic Radiology
Hospital for Special Surgery
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
535 East 70th Street
New York NY 10021

Appointment Desk
Tel 212-774-7296
Fax 212-774-7295

The script should be as follows.
MRI of the Pelvis
Bilateral Pudendal nerve
1) From ischial spine to Sacro Spinal ligament beneath Sacrotuberous ligament and to the Alcock's canal.
2) Dorsal Nerve of the clitoris or penis especially passing through the pubic bone.
To be reviewed by Dr. Hollis Potter.

Please have it faxed to 212-774-7295 by your doctor and then call MRI department at 212-774-7296 to schedule an appointment.

Re: Which is the most reliable test for pudental nerve probl

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 3:05 am
by shana
Thanks for all your help, I truly appreciate it. This medical journey has been a long and hard one (and I'm not done yet!!)With most of my medical providers having no clue how to help me or guide me it's great to have a place like this where total strangers reach out and help and guide one another.

Thanks a bunch!

Re: Which is the most reliable test for pudental nerve probl

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 2:44 pm
by Karyn
You're welcome, Shana! :D
I couldn't agree more! ;)

Re: Which is the most reliable test for pudental nerve probl

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 11:59 pm
by Datboy333
I would like to get this testing done as well with Mr. Filler would you have his contact info ?

Re: Which is the most reliable test for pudental nerve probl

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 6:45 pm
by stephanies
Dr. Filler's website is, if you are interested in his MRN. Dr. Hollis Potter does a 3T MRI and her contact info is listed on earlier posts on this thread.