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Re: Choosing a Surgeon

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 1:36 am
by GregT
That's just great, paulette. I'm really happy to be seeing so many of you doing well after surgery. Hang in there and don't let the bad days (if you happen to have any) get you down. It's all a part of the recovery.


Re: Choosing a Surgeon

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 12:41 am
by Amanda
A's Mommy

Yes I agree with you that not everyone who has TG surgery develops CRPS...but many of us is not due to the surgery but moreso the time involved and our own nerve responses that create this new which is not easily diagnosed nor solved.
I recently have had an injury of the illoguinal ligament and internal oblique muscle which has been torn....I have rolled aobut in agony however now it is healing and easing but suddenly my CRPS has kicked in big time...the skin sensitivity and crawling sensations are worse than ever....why doe sthe body respond to injury int his manner???? Who knows but it is a definite diagnosis and a life long one...and one that means that minor surgeries like dental work can cause huge flareups of unexpected areas of the body and develops a huge awareness that anything new is a huge intrusion to the whole CRPS system and its reactions.