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Re: Finding the right Dr. for possible surgery

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 7:23 am
by donstore
The French like to go on vacation for almost all of August. Maybe Dr. Bautrant got an early start.


Re: Finding the right Dr. for possible surgery

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 3:30 pm
by AliPasha1

Dr. Bautrant is in his office on Tuesdays and Thursdays only.The rest of the time he is doing surgeries.Please call him during those days between 7 am -8 am Eastern time.

Kind Regards,

Re: Finding the right Dr. for possible surgery

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 9:12 pm
by MichaelaZ
Hello everyone. I've been a PN sufferer for a year now. I live in MN so I go see Dr. Antolak. Two days ago he told me I should have the decompression surgery. Now I'm trying to figure out if I should have him do it. I honestly dont like him much but it's convenient for me to have him so close. I would love to go to Dr. Hibner or Ansell. But I heard that the wait times are crazy there and you have to have all kinds of test to even get there (although I think I had all of them). Does anyone have any recommendations or statistics which out of those three doctors seems to be the best? I'm afraid to travel somewhere for the surgery but I will if I have to. I want the best.
Does anyone have any experience with seeing one Dr. and going to different one? Do they make you go thru everything again or would they just operate if nothing else worked with the first Dr.? Or would your original Dr. get offended that you saw someone else? I know I have the right to choose I just dont have much experience with different doctors.

If anyone have any advice or comment it would be much appreciated?

Thank you!

Re: Finding the right Dr. for possible surgery

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 1:39 am
by donstore
Wait times for Hibner is 7-8 months for a consult with surgery 6-12 months after. Houston is much quicker, maybe 4-6 months or less for everything. We haven't had a lot of success stories on the forum from Dr. Antolak. Dr. Dellon is faster but doesn't take insurance although some people have gotten some money back depending on their insurance.

Best Wishes,


Re: Finding the right Dr. for possible surgery

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 3:26 pm
by PaulSa
Don't rule out the European Dr.'s, both Dr. Beco and Bautrant took the time to personally speak with me on the phone and both seemed to be very knowledgeable and caring. The average wait time for either one would be September or October for consult and surgery if required in one visit. Good luck.

Re: Finding the right Dr. for possible surgery

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 11:34 pm
by frickla

Re: Finding the right Dr. for possible surgery

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 12:22 am
by Violet M
Hey Paul, sounds like you managed to get in contact with Dr. Bautrant. Would you like to post the "secret" instructions here for future PN patients? :lol: Thanks,


Re: Finding the right Dr. for possible surgery

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 1:43 am
by PaulSa
Violet M wrote:Hey Paul, sounds like you managed to get in contact with Dr. Bautrant. Would you like to post the "secret" instructions here for future PN patients? :lol: Thanks,

No secret here, Ali hit the nail on the head. :D We must thank him! He did mention he is experiencing problems with email though. As for Dr. Beco, email works best with "short" being the key. After that he provided me with his personal number and I got to speak with him for 20min after hours, class act.

Re: Finding the right Dr. for possible surgery

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 3:18 pm
by MichaelaZ
PaulSa wrote:Don't rule out the European Dr.'s, both Dr. Beco and Bautrant took the time to personally speak with me on the phone and both seemed to be very knowledgeable and caring. The average wait time for either one would be September or October for consult and surgery if required in one visit. Good luck.

PaulSa, how does the insurance work in Europe?

Re: Finding the right Dr. for possible surgery

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 9:24 pm
by PaulSa
MichaelaZ wrote:
PaulSa wrote:Don't rule out the European Dr.'s, both Dr. Beco and Bautrant took the time to personally speak with me on the phone and both seemed to be very knowledgeable and caring. The average wait time for either one would be September or October for consult and surgery if required in one visit. Good luck.

PaulSa, how does the insurance work in Europe?
Not sure if you are from the USA as surgery is available to you, here in Canada it is not.