Pregabalin prescription?

Treatment options for UK & Irish members; including VHI & HSE criteria for funding and E112 Applications etc.
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Re: Pregabalin prescription?

Post by donstore »

Glad to hear you are finally got a ticket on the Lyrica train. I found that taking it 3 times daily smooths out the spaciness. I am now up to 150mg. 3 times per day and I don't even notice the side effects any more- just a mild buzz and a ratcheting down of the pain. Stay focused and make those bean counters give you the treatment that you need.

Wishing you all the best on your big day.

Mild to moderate PN for 5 plus years, pain controlled by lyrica and opiates.
Nerve block (unguided) 9/10 Dr. Jerome Weiss - sciatica for 5 months but got numb in painful perineal/scrotal area - he diagnosed entrapment - but no more cortisone for me
Potter MRI 5/11 - rt STL entrapment of PN at Alcocks
Consult with Dr. Hibner Feb. 2012
Bilateral inguinal hernias diagnosed by dynamic ultrasound - surgery on 6/20/13
Feeling a little better, a few more months will tell
Posts: 66
Joined: Sat Mar 24, 2012 3:19 pm

Re: Pregabalin prescription?

Post by Poppy »

i know this is a late reply but I only just joined and am looking through the posts. I was put on gabapentin 11 years ago by the pain team at Preston Royal . I stayed on it around 6 months crying every day, sobbing heartbroken until eventually I didn't want to live any more. The pain wasn't relieved at all but the depression was horrific. |Eventually my son did an internet search and found dozens of cases in America where Gabapentin had caused severe depression and often suicide. I can well believe it. They had recommended that I increase it every 3 days while in hospital but the side effects; blinding headache, dizziness, cotton wool brain, tiredness and sickness were so bad they increased every 7 days instead. After my son's search I contacted my GP and discussed it with him and decided to come off the gabapentin - SLOWLY. I immediately felt better and within 4 weeks was my normal self again, still in pain but no crying, no wanting to end it all just determination to get pain relief which I got back then from oxycodone.
Last week when PN started my GP immediately suggested Pregabalin (Lyrica); he didn't even mention gabapentin and was more than willing to prescribe lyrica so I guess it must be a local funding issue. We decided that after the effect Gabapentin had it would not be wise to go on Lyrica but as i said he was more than happy to prescribe it. Any pharmacist can look up a drug and tell you whether it is red listed by your PCT. In our PCT oxycodone can only be prescribed instead of oramorph if there is a good reason and my GP had to write to tell them I am allergic to morphine. However when a generic version of Oxynorm came out recently the chemist would only give me the generic. I had to ask the GP to change my script from oxycodone to the brand name oxynorm before they would issue it. There is no difference in price.
1985 diagnosed fibro; 1990 hysterectomy with bladder suspension;2000 T12 (Maigne ) syndrome; urticaria and angioedema; sjogrens syndrome; adhesions; pelvic pain; two herniated discs in neck.
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