New natural PainKiller Normast® (Palmitoylethanolamide)

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Bladder Facts
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Re: New natural PainKiller Normast® (Palmitoylethanolamide)

Post by Bladder Facts »

Hello IC42long,

I read your story and I am sorry that you have Interstitial Cystitis. I have IC too, diagnosed in 2008. I used a lot of medicines with high side effects and suddenly I read about Normast and Pelvilen Forte (do not forget Pelvilen Forte).

When you have IC, your life will change 180%. So definitely NO sugar, NO alcohol, and NOT all tea (sorry to say that, but you can not do it for 50%). Eat healthy and try to sport!

Answers to your questions:
- I read a lot of testimonials in the Netherlands, patients talking about Normast and have benefits of it, here some websites: ... p_id=10265 and ... ht=normast and etc... On Facebook I know some people who have benefits using Normast...

- People with Pelvic Pain? Advice: use Pelvilen Forte combined with Normast!. Normast and Pelvilen Forte is quite new in Europe (Netherlands) and internationally not known. So thats why you can not find other people. The cobfoundation wrote a article about this compound in their spring edition, so hoping for more testimonials: ... t)-5792898

- When it works, than its great!! In the beginning it will the pain be worse and after some months it will be MORE less. I use Normast 600mg and Pelvilen Forte 2x a day, so its not cheap, but it works for me!!!

- Please use the HOW TO USE: , its a 50 days trail, so 3 weeks its to fast to evaluate!
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Re: New natural PainKiller Normast® (Palmitoylethanolamide)

Post by IC42long »

Thanks for your reply bladderfacts, but I can only read in English! I'm sure there are Norwegian testimonials. Have you tried Prelief with acidic foods? Lots of IC folks like it.
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Bladder Facts
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Re: New natural PainKiller Normast® (Palmitoylethanolamide)

Post by Bladder Facts »

Hello, :ugeek:

How is everybody doing? :?:

Maybe interesting for some IC-patients I found some video testimonials about Normast, very interesting stuff: ... timonials/

When you fill n their form you will receive some other testimonials / information for your MD, and their Normast brochure: ... treatment/

I hope everybody is pain free today. I still have pain free days and will continues using Normast 600mg and the Sachets.. :D
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Re: New natural PainKiller Normast® (Palmitoylethanolamide)

Post by amoul »

Answers to your questions:
- I read a lot of testimonials in the Netherlands, patients talking about Normast and have benefits of it, here some websites: ... p_id=10265 and ... ht=normast and etc... On Facebook I know some people who have benefits using Normast...

- People with Pelvic Pain? Advice: use Pelvilen Forte combined with Normast!. Normast and Pelvilen Forte is quite new in Europe (Netherlands) and internationally not known. So thats why you can not find other people. The cobfoundation wrote a article about this compound in their spring edition, so hoping for more testimonials: ... t)-5792898

- When it works, than its great!! In the beginning it will the pain be worse and after some months it will be MORE less. I use Normast 600mg and Pelvilen Forte 2x a day, so its not cheap, but it works for me!!!
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Re: New natural PainKiller Normast® (Palmitoylethanolamide)

Post by knitwit »

During one of my last appointments with Dr. Quesada, he had mentioned this supplement to me. I remember coming home and trying to figure out how
to buy it and having some trouble with the CO.'s web site at that time. Might be worth giving it a try though for a few months! Can someone put
up a USA link of a place to get it? - Or is it all overseas? Thanks ~Josie
knitting keeps me sane!
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Re: New natural PainKiller Normast® (Palmitoylethanolamide)

Post by chenonceau »

On the french pudendal forums, a lot of people have tried normast, pelivlen or both.

There's no consensus wether it's working or not.

The only think i can see from there is that it seems to work for :
- women
- burning pain / pain when peeing / bladder pain

It doesn't seem to be effective with pain when sitting and other stuff associated with PN.

People reporting improvement said they felt the improvement very quickly (from 3 days to a week).
Testicular pain started Jan '15 - off by may '15
Back Pain + Pain when seating Jan '16
Loss of sensation when urinating Mar '16
Urinary Retention Aug '16
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Diagnosed Myofascial Syndrome March '17
Self-cathing since summer '17
Bilateral Decompression Surgery (Dr. De B., France) September '18
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Re: New natural PainKiller Normast® (Palmitoylethanolamide)

Post by Grammy »

Has anyone purchased this product here in the USA. Saw that it was available on the site Vitalitis. Please let us know. After suffering for 23 years I would like to try this before I experiment with cannibis which is my current pain dr. Recommendation. Please answer if you have info on ordering, the cost per month, and the amount to take. It seems PEA has replaced the Normast. Please answer ASAP. I have had 6 failed surgeries and 6 failed stim trials. I really need to go off the grid and try anything that might help. My single worse symptom is the one of pressure that turns into a vaginal sore throat if I am on my feet for any length of time. I am so worn down and just do not know where to turn for help. Going to bed soon with an ice bag wrapped in a towel to place between my legs. I have slept like this for over two decades.
Casey Delacruz
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Re: New natural PainKiller Normast® (Palmitoylethanolamide)

Post by Casey Delacruz »

I'm using PeaPure. Its capsules are 100% vega cepsules and content pure PEA. No troublesome side effects so far. Do you know that Online Casino UK provides live playing with no registration at CasinoInTheUK?
Last edited by Casey Delacruz on Wed May 10, 2017 7:27 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: New natural PainKiller Normast® (Palmitoylethanolamide)

Post by Buttercup28 »

Hi there,

I used Normast for about 6 to 9 months a few years ago back when it first starting showing up online as a possible pain medication for IC/PN. I ordered it directly from the website and it was delivered to my door in the U.S. No issue at all with shipping and delivery. I had no noticeable side effects from it which was great.

However, it unfortunately didn't help me at all as far as pain relief so I stopped taking it and haven't ordered it since. I would say that it is worth a try, but it is not a cure all for everyone.

~ Buttercup
Sudden pelvic pain onset that landed me in the ER 2x -- diagnosed with severe pelvic floor dysfunction and suspected IC. Diagnosed with pudendal neuralgia via MRI and EMG and hip impingement/labral tear on CTscan. Ran the gamut with tests, treatments, procedures, injections, drugs, etc. since then. Still on the quest for answers....
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