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Re: Age and PN

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 1:52 pm
by Karyn
hopeman wrote:It is not necessary to expose sciatic nerve because my sciatic nerve is normal before surgery.
What reason were you given for the exploration of this nerve, if you had no symptoms prior to surgery?


Re: Age and PN

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 8:30 pm
by hopeman

I do not know. It is too late because the surgery was finished.

Because every sciatic nerve check is normal, I am wondering whether my foot pain attributes to pudendal nerve.

When did you develop foot pain after surgery. What is the symptom of your foot pain?


Re: Age and PN

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 3:14 pm
by Karyn

As I've previously explained, the PN does NOT innervate the lower extremities. I think it's possible your sciatic nerve may have gotten irritated during the exploration, causing your foot pain.

Approximately six weeks after surgery, I developed burning heels. As time went on, it evolved into lots of sharp pain all throughout the feet and eventually resulted in bilateral foot drop. Please keep in mind that I also have Tarlov Cyst Disease. My leg and foot problems are not a result of my PN surgery. Could be that the main nerve roots got irritated from decompressing the PN branches, but my cysts were located at S2, S3 and S4. The sciatic nerve has a branch at the S3 level.

Kind regards,

Re: Age and PN

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 10:04 pm
by hopeman

I did not have foot pain between the first and the sixth week after surgery. Between the fifth and the sixth week after surgery, I stand still long. After then, I developed foot pain when I walk or stand still until now. However, every check associated with sciatic nerve shows that my sciatic nerve is normal. I guess that standing still long during the fifth and sixth week after surgery irritated my sciatic nerve. I do not know whether my foot pain will go away.


Re: Age and PN

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 4:02 am
by Violet M
What kind of foot pain, Hopeman? Has you physician ruled out plantar fasciitis? Have you been checked for Morton's neuroma?


Re: Age and PN

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 5:17 am
by hopeman

I do not have plantar fasciitis as well as Morton neurons. I guess that my sciatic nerve was irritated because of the surgery and standing long after surgery.


Re: Age and PN

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 5:37 am
by hopeman
Dear All,

I had left side pn surgery. After 8 months of surgery, my left side is getting better. The rectal pain of left side almost disappear. The left side pain focus in the perineum, but such prineum pain is getting better. I guess my surgery can cure my left side pain. However, I now have right side pain. Two months ago, acupuncture tend to hurt my pn a little bit, but I am not very painful for that acupuncture. Bisschop have checked my right side last year, he suggested that I have inflammatory tissue between infrapiriformis and SSL. Recently I have done many checks for my right side. MRI do not find thicken SSL. EMG test and ultrasound show that my right side pn is normal. For my right side pain, I do not have rectal pain for the right side. My right side pain is not very painful, but it is more painful than left side now. My right side pain focus on the edge of scrotum. I do not know whether my right side pain is attributed to acupuncture which may hurt my pn, or due to thicken SSL. Really I am not concern whether acupuncture hurt my pn. Therefore, I do not know whether surgery can cure my right side pain. If my pn is hurt by acupuncture. Given that I am not very painful for right side, can my right side pain settle down?

