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Re: New To This Site and Hoping For Help...

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 7:33 am
by DoubleEdgedSword
Stopping by to say hi & I hope everyone's managing okay with pain, tests, emotions, whatever..

I've been MIA for a long time. From early February til now I've been working away at three jobs, and now I'm back to having only two.. I almost feel lazy.. not! :D

I'm still waiting to hear from the Wasser Clinic, but if I don't get any action by lunchtime, I'm making another call to see what's up. A girl can wait only so long.. I'm anxious to get some input and perhaps a course of action/treatment plan to take. It's almost a year, & that's an awful long time to be.. aroused.. :(

I'm hoping to find some more time to do more research here because while my doc says he's willing to help me, it seems that unless I do the legwork and drop the info into his lap, he forgets about me having this horrible condition, and since I'm his first patient, I don't think he knows where to go with this next unless I give him a gentle nudge in a particular direction.. I'd like to see what he thinks of alternatives to Lyrica, because while it helps with most of my pain, the side effects are numerous for me, and if I thought the confusion was bad, the weight gain is worse.. I don't want to be tubby anymore.

Wishing you all some relief from your pain.. :)

Re: New To This Site and Hoping For Help...

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 11:49 pm
by Violet M
No kidding....that's a long time to wait. Were you able to get through to the clinic?

Re: New To This Site and Hoping For Help...

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 10:22 am
by helenlegs 11
I remember Calluna saying that tramadol worked best for her with PGAD, think it may have been the slow release kind?
Hope you get some good medical treatment soon Des at least you may have some time to go to appointments from now :)
Take care,

Re: New To This Site and Hoping For Help...

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 5:40 am
by DoubleEdgedSword
Violet M wrote:No kidding....that's a long time to wait. Were you able to get through to the clinic?
I'd called the Wasser Clinic last week & just got an automated voice message saying to contact my own doctor about the referral, since they deal directly with the docs, not the patients..

I'd called the specialist desk once and they didn't get back to me, so I called the next day, explained that I know of two people who'd applied at the same time as me or later, and they'd both gotten appointments. The woman on the desk said she was new and would contact the clinic herself to see what's up, & would call me back.

She did call back & left a message saying she had contacted them & was waiting to hear back. It's a small step, but it's pretty discouraging to think that I've likely fallen thru the cracks and maybe I have to apply (and wait) all over again.. :(

Re: New To This Site and Hoping For Help...

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 1:36 am
by Violet M
I hope you won't have to start from square one, DES. That would be pretty discouraging but hopefully they will find your paperwork and get you in soon. ;)

Re: New To This Site and Hoping For Help...

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 6:01 pm
by DoubleEdgedSword
I kept a photocopy of my patient info, so if worse comes to worse I'll phoyocopy that & take it down to the clinic myself.. I'm trying to be a good girl & wait until at least the end of the week before I do that.

Today the specialist receptionist called me back wondering why my file was on her desk, & I just said I'm waiting to get an appointment at the clinic.. I didn't let on that we'd already discussed this just last week, & she said she'd call them & get back to me.. If she's done this already, this would make the 2nd time, so I'll let her be my PITA-by-proxy! :lol:

Re: New To This Site and Hoping For Help...

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 6:53 pm
by DoubleEdgedSword
I emailed the clinic last week hoping to find out if they at least got my intake form or if I'd have to start over again. The website said inquiries would be answered within three business days..

Today I got a call (!!) from the clinic saying they'd received my intake form back in January, but hadn't received my doctor's referral form.. I quickly searched my important papers in case I forgot to mail it, but it was nowhere to be found..

I called to the specialist appointment coordinator, explained it to her, and she said she could get a general referral form signed by my doc (he's going on holidays after today) and fax it to them.. They want one of THEIR referral forms, which my doc is reluctant to do (???)..

While they play games and kick sand at each other, I very pointedly had to let the receptionist know that I've been in PAIN and in limbo for several months and through no fault of my own wasn't getting any (insert expletive here) help..

I provided her with the name, fax and phone number of the woman I had spoken to, so the ball is now in their court. I do expect to hear shortly of any developments, and if not.. well, we just won't go there right now.. :evil:

Re: New To This Site and Hoping For Help...

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 8:59 pm
by helenlegs 11
Getting your dander up sometimes gets things done. Hope so anyway. What on earth is wrong with your Dr and his reluctance!!!!!! You shouldn't even have to do this running around. Sounds far too much like my lot over here. Maybe his going on holiday will be fortuitous, another may not be such a stickler.
Let us know what happens.

Re: New To This Site and Hoping For Help...

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 3:15 am
by DoubleEdgedSword
Part of the referral process includes the referring doc's agreement to be an active part of the on-going treatment process, so I don't think I can just have any doc refer me without including him, or excluding my doc (read: "firing him").

I've decided to give the whole 'patience' thing another go, but to set my parameters too. If it takes more than two weeks to find out about anything, I'll be leaving a phone message followed by an email. I think that's reasonable, given that I've been overly patient and trusting that everyone has had my best interests at heart, instead of what I've met up with so far.. :(

It sure has been hard waiting this long, all for no results yet. I know if I become a PITA I either won't get an appointment, or I may have to start that 'several-months' waiting period over again. If I'm polite but firm, perhaps they'll take into account my elapsed waiting time and expedite an appointment for me.. *sigh*

I'll update here as I find things out. In the meantime, I'll be over here in the corner, polishing the tarnish off my halo.. Or is that rust?? :lol:

Re: New To This Site and Hoping For Help...

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 3:39 am
by Violet M
I don't know...I would probably call sooner than 2 weeks -- just to "check on the status" of the referral. They probably won't even remember the expletive at this point, right? So I think just a little readjustment to the halo and you will be fine. 8-)