cushion ideas

Here we can discuss difficulties with comfort in sitting and normal living - cushions, bicycle seats, car seats, work stations etc.
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Re: cushion ideas

Post by kathyd »

Thx Bikelover for the response and sugggestions. S
I have the twin cheeks cushion. Another kind member of our group gave me hers. (I have quite the collection of cushions, which aren't working since a surgery I had in 2011.
Unfontunately it doesn't help me right now as it hurts when I try it. I think any contact causes my "cheeks" to push inward, causing pressure on the anus, and then pain..Hopefully if i can get the pain under control,l that or another one of my cushions will help.
I have heard about the ICN cushion but suspect the same thing might happen..I know there are few thickness choies..
Has Anyone with thobbing anal rectal pain tried the ICN cushion?
My husband and I have tried making a few cushions, but all have hurt thus far, and I think he's tired of trying.
But I am still looking and trying ideass as being able to drive, would be a first step towards healing for me.

Thx for your suggestions!
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Re: cushion ideas

Post by blightcp »

In the car i use 2" of meduim density foam with a cloth cover and the anti skid stuff for kitchen drawers.

I measured and cut the foam to get my butt out of the bucket seat bolsters.

At home i use 2" solid 3.5 lb memory foam on the bed and a 2.5 inch egg crate type memory foam on top of that.

So in total its 4.5" of memory foam.


Also while i was working is used a recliner, when i first started using it Iwas ok for 2 hours, unfortunately as i got worse i cold only tolerate it for 20 min:

PN by sedentary job and commute
Treated for IlioInguinal pain 2008-10
PT by Dr. Conway's team | 3 PN blocks @ Elliott in Manchester USA
TIR 2010 and TG by Dr. Conway in May of 2012 uncovered nerve damage, declared surgical failure in May of 2014
PT and bed rest continues
Employer refused accommodations in 8/13, now in the disability war.
Sacrial Stimulator 9/14 by Dr. Ross Boston MA
Anesthetic pain pump trial 3/16/15 by Dr. Ross
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Re: cushion ideas

Post by kathyd »

Thx Blight for posting pics of your
Interesting cushion.

I notice your cushion for the car is rectangular..Do u need an opening so that anal or peri-anal area does not make contact with seat?.. as it looks like those areas would make contact,
unless there'a a cutout area that works for you.
The cushions which we've created don't work for me as somehow that area of my body (due to gravity) always makes contact.. and I get immediate and after pain..
Sitting on a toilet is fine as butt hangs free ..

my hope is to find/make a cushion in which the anal opening is somehow an inch or 2 above the surface ie...makes no contact .. and dosen't sink down.
Anyone have/ or made a cushion like this?

We tried to re construct a toilet set and put circular cut out wood pieice under it to lift it for the car, yet my butt sinks through and touchs or rubs against the back edge...
I try to sit forward so thighs will feel the weight instead, but I still feel pain..
We're stumped but desperate to find a cushion that will get me out on the road and out of the house..
Thx for any thoughts from thoses with similar issues.
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Re: cushion ideas

Post by blightcp »

kathyd wrote:
I notice your cushion for the car is rectangular..Do u need an opening so that anal or peri-anal area does not make contact with seat?.. as it looks like those areas would make contact,
My mother is a seamstress and upolsterer, we tried dozens of diffrent things. What I found was that in the car, you are moving around so much that a hole in the cushion did not help as much as you might think. The biggest thing for my car was to get me out of the bolsters. Bolsters are the sides of the bucket seats that keep you in the seats while in a turn.

Another thing that we did in our numerous attempts was to make a custom office chair. This was using different sizes of three different density foam, we also made mini pillows for the middle. What we found was that you are going to need something in the middle or the sides will crumble by themselves.

You could do this yourself by going to any sewing store any buying the foam and trying shapes.

Start with a heavy density base and add layers. Then stuff it in a pillow case and try it out. I found that I could only try 1 or 2 combinations a day, any more and you are just going to get frustrated with the PN getting pissed off.

When you find what you like there is a spray can of foam adhesive to put it together.

For the softer parts use an old pillow filling but keep the base layer intact.

PN by sedentary job and commute
Treated for IlioInguinal pain 2008-10
PT by Dr. Conway's team | 3 PN blocks @ Elliott in Manchester USA
TIR 2010 and TG by Dr. Conway in May of 2012 uncovered nerve damage, declared surgical failure in May of 2014
PT and bed rest continues
Employer refused accommodations in 8/13, now in the disability war.
Sacrial Stimulator 9/14 by Dr. Ross Boston MA
Anesthetic pain pump trial 3/16/15 by Dr. Ross
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Re: cushion ideas

Post by bikelover »

Kathy, the cushion your assets tween cheeks low profile extra firm is the one I use. It doesn't allow your butt to sink in. In fact, I'm sitting on it as I write, been sitting about 3 hours now with standing and stretch breaks every half hour or so. It still hurts a little, but much more manageable than without it, and at least It allows me to get some work done. I tried working and standing, but at least for me, it makes me harder to focus, and my legs got very sore after a week or so.
I just placed an order for a second one to leave at the office. Its also very easy to carry, you can adjust it to your liking, and people usually don't notice it. Should be easy to do a DIY, but I don't have the time.

My symptoms are solely on my behind btw...

Definetly think foam is not good. My opinion for the ICN cushion has changed, Its now under my office desk, I ended up using it for knee support (while kneeling, instead of standing). For that, it was not bad lol.

I agree with you though, the firmer, the better it works for me...
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Re: cushion ideas

Post by MissCarol43 »

I went to the Craft dept of Wal-Mart and they have a pack of 4 pieces of square foam.
I put the toliet seat up and then held one of the foams against the raised toliet seat
and drew with a fine marker a circle like the toliet seat and then I cut it out...these
are kind of thin pieces of foam, so I cut another piece out and then I taped them
together.....Works like a charm.......:)
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Re: cushion ideas

Post by kathyd »

Hi Bikelover

Thx very much..Im so glad this works for you!
I think thats the cushion that has 2 sides that peel off with Velcro and open space down the middle, right?
It folds and has a handle.
I have a model of that given to me by a very generous member of our boards ...whom couldn't use it herself. I thank her so much.
I have to re- check and see which firmness model mine is. Maybe it's not as firm as yours

With this one my anal area on right still makes contact a bit... and then the pain sets in instantly
Im hoping when God-willing my pain is controlled better that this one will work.

Maybe sitting forward and letting only thighs touch will keep the anus up. Is that how you sit? Ive thought of putting ice in the middle in case my anus sinks in
I will try again when Im feeling a bit better.. and see if I can work with it.. I think firm is better too
Thx again.
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Re: cushion ideas

Post by kathyd »

Thankks missCarol

We have to keep trying till something works right?
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Re: cushion ideas

Post by ric »

a very cheap and effective seat cushion for people with pain that is just on one side can be made with a 4 1/2 inch thick high density polyurethane foam square the size of a chair seat in which you cut out a 6 inch circular hole at the location of your 30 year duration pain is around my left ischial tuberosity and this cushion allows me to sit with substantially less pain for hours......even drove to Florida with it.........more effective than drugs or pain clinics in my case...............foam is available at Joann's Fabric stores or used foam from a sofa reupholster.
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Re: cushion ideas

Post by river133 »

I have tried every imaginable seat cushion out there, made them,bought many, they all defy me. But,I have not tried the 4 inch foam and cut a 6 inch circular hole, always ready to try something new. Just maybe??? :D
Surgery Jan.05 2011 TG with Dr Antalok. Dr.Chambi May of 2012 showed injury from a fall on back, 11 years ago. My piriformis muscle caused a large amount of fibrosis .My sciatic nerve was growing through the piriformis muscle which caused a bifid p.muscle. . Dr Chambi decompressed the sciatic,pudendal,pfcn ,and peroneal nerves. I hope to have a nuerostimulator put in to help with the sciatic pain that never goes away. Most days are better with the pudendal if I do not sit at all.
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