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Re: IPPS and Erdogru

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 4:24 pm
by Karyn
HerMajesty wrote:"Posted"? This is confusing because the internet is international and I suppose he is bound by the laws of the jurisdiction in Turkey where he holds his Medical License - but I wonder if you could have grounds for legal action over this.
HerMajesty wrote: Ali his behavior toward you has been highly unethical
I agree, HerMajesty. Apparently, Dr. Tibet has an active FaceBook page and that's how he acquires his patients. From what I understand, he also posts his patients surgical results (not OP reports), complete with video via FB. Personally, I find this very disturbing and I'm hoping someone can tell me I'm misinformed.

Re: IPPS and Erdogru

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 4:31 pm
by AliPasha1
Dear Karyn and herMajesty,

he is only acknowledging DVT and nothing else.They have no idea of confidentiality between a doc and a patient in Turkey.I am very diappointed with Dr Tibet's attitude at the moment.He uses facebook to promote just like his excellency A Lee Dellon does.

This is the blog of another lady from Utah who had peroneal nerve damage after her surgery with Dr. Tibet one week after me.

Exact words of Dr. Tibet on facebook support group.As everybody knows that I developed DVT.

Dear Kresimir, There is no DVT. just abdominal pain due to surgery. That is it. In our series with 34 cases for laparoscopic PN decompression there was only 1 DVT in a patient as you know. The reason was unfortunately his weight. We are not expecting any complication for Anita.

I just want to give people an idea where my new symtoms are and why I am having difficulty walking.Please scroll down to the last diagram and you will see the tibial branch in orange.Either, Dr. Tibet nicked the nerve at S1,S2 and S3 level or the wrong positioning of the leg caused damage to the tibial nerve.In any case, I am devastated because it seems that tibial nerves rarely regenerate according to some publications. ... -plexuses/

Take care,

Re: IPPS and Erdogru

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 6:48 pm
by Karyn
It really does sadden me that Dr. Tibet isn't more upfront with his prospective patients about what they can expect in regards to pain, post operatively.
AliPasha1 wrote: There is no DVT. just abdominal pain due to surgery. That is it.
I'm very impressed with Shirlayne's Blog, and Shirlayne as a person. It's nice that Dr. Tibet is so "passionate" about his work, but it appears he still has much to learn about nerves.
I noticed she cited in several different entries how disappointed Dr. Tibet was that she's not able to immediately sit. Actually, there were several things that bothered me in regards to his reaction about her post-op complaints. But here's what really gets me:
AliPasha1 wrote:In our series with 34 cases for laparoscopic PN decompression there was only 1 DVT in a patient as you know. The reason was unfortunately his weight. We are not expecting any complication for Anita.
So ... is he not expecting any complications for Anita because she's thin? I noticed Shirlayne is not. She is cute as a button, though! :) However, he performed another 7 hour surgery on her one week after you; resulting in sciatic branch neuropathy :?

Re: IPPS and Erdogru

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 4:32 am
by HerMajesty
I just wrote a big thing and retyped from my pre-op nerve conduction testing, and then hit a wrong button and lost it all :oops:
But what I was trying to communicate was that I had serious tibial and peroneal nerve symptoms due to the pre-op compression of my S2 nerve roots, and it did heal. Pre-op, my legs were so weak that I could not walk any distance without injuring a foot, ankle, or knee. I also had pain but it was intermittant and not as severe as yours. I am 8 months post op and have been able to do my old 2 mile daily walk with no injury since about 3 or 4 months post op.
Please don't give up on the idea that these nerves can heal. When you say you read that these nerves rarely regenerate, I get worried that you might give up. Do what you can with nutrition, PT, meds, or whatever you need to do to create optimal conditions for nerve regeneration. My lower extremity symptoms started before pudendal, with tibial and peroneal nerve deterioration for 8 years, so if mine can heal then yours can too.

Re: IPPS and Erdogru

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 10:10 am
by AliPasha1

That's very encouraging news for me.Did they have to do a redo at the S2 level for the tibial and peroneal nerve to regenerate.Secondly,did you experience pain in the Pelvis,the upper leg part above the knee or was it just the lower leg below the knee and the foot(areas of the peroneal and tibial nerve).

My pain is exclusively in the area of the tibial nerve. My heel and palm of the foot hurt the most followed by pain in the calf.

I also have insomnia now and I wake up during night yelling for help.I have been badly traumatized and scarred both emotionally and physically.This tibial foot pain is far wore than PN pain.

Thank You,

Re: IPPS and Erdogru

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 10:14 am
by AliPasha1
Secondly, how do I check whether Tibet has injured ,y saral plexus.Will an MRI or nerve block do the trick?i hope that I don't need another surgery at the sacral root level.


Re: IPPS and Erdogru

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 2:13 pm
by nyt
Ali, all of this just breaks my heart what you are now dealing with. This doctor needs to be much more upfront the risks with this surgery since now we know of at least two patients with serious nerve damage to their legs. That is serious!!!

Re: IPPS and Erdogru

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 3:38 pm
by HerMajesty
Hi Ali,
I'm sorry, I don't know how to diagnose sacral plexus injury. Some of my sacral nerve roots had herniated to create tarlov cysts, which are balloons of cerebrospinal fluid which fill the sacral canal; and other sacral nerve roots were compressed against the walls of the sacral canal by the cysts. That was all readily visible on MRI.
If Dr. Erdogru damaged those nerves in some way, such as nicked them, I'm not informed about how that could be diagnosed. A nerve block would seem to me redundant since you already had electroconductive studies showing that the conduction of those nerves is impaired. I'm not sure if there is a way to image small mechanical injuries to a nerve.
The other possibility is that your sacral plexus is not damaged, but flared up from being touched, handled, or manipulated in some way. Since my surgery involved direct work on the sacral nerve roots, I was informed in advance that the reaction to this varies a lot individual to individual. My body handled it quite well, but it is not uncommon for patients to come out of it temporarily in much greater pain than when they went in. The reaction seems to be inflammatory in nature, and people who flare the worst usually have some success reducing the pain with a medrol dose pack (oral steroids). This is something you might wish to try before concluding that what you are feeling is mechanical damage.
In my case I had no pudendal nerve entrapment / decompression, so the work on the nerve roots WAS my primary surgery, no need for a re-do. I am still recovering from the original. The foot and leg issues were the FIRST to resolve. I am 8 months out and have improved in most areas vs. pre-op, but this is a surgery during which most patients make their greatest improvements in the 2nd year and some continue to improve through the 3rd year.
The foot / leg issues I had were identified as tibial and peroneal nerve abnormalities on a nerve conduction sudy, but here were my subjective symptoms in the order that I developed them:
early in the disease process: neuropathic itch in the toes, loss of sensation in toes, feet, calves.
middle of the disease process: all of the above plus frequent injury due to leg weakness, requiring that I give up walking for any distance.
late in the disease process: all of the above plus Intermittant episodes lasting a few days, of nerve pain starting in the sciatic (gluteal area), and running down to the outer aspect of the ankle; and at other times, intermittant shorter episodes (lasting a few minutes several times per day) burning pain along the bottom of the foot.
I hope you can make some use of this information.

Re: IPPS and Erdogru

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 7:07 pm
by AliPasha1
hI hermajesty,

The conduction test was done from the leg to the foot and didn't involve sacral roots.The readings were all normal above the knee but both the motor fuction was ab normal below the knee and the ankle for the tibial nerve.

Is it possible if I can talk to you ever the phone.I am really lost at the moment.



Re: IPPS and Erdogru

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 7:33 pm
by HerMajesty
Hi Ali,
I'll PM you my email, it would be easier to swap results that way because I can scan my report and send to you instead of retyping it.