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Re: Suggestions Please......!!!

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 5:09 am
by Violet M
Karyn wrote:Greetings, Mods!
Would it be possible to have a photo gallery on this site, for those who aren't shy?
We'll have to think about this suggestion. I think it's a lovely idea but we had problems on the old forum where people who weren't shy at first became shy later on and regretted what they had posted when they discovered certain family members and acquaintances were perusing the forum. It became a nightmare to the moderators to try to remove what they wanted removed.

Re: Suggestions Please......!!!

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 1:58 pm
by HerMajesty
Hi Violet,
You asked me where the ant religious debate stuff was on the old board, but then that post got locked before I could answer. I am not great about reading the "forum rules" section on any board: This jumped out at me because it was right next to the topic category heading on the board itself, where it now says:

"SPIRITUAL AREA Here is an area to discuss and relate to Spiritual matters....share a thought, happy moment, cry on a shoulder, offer some faith to those in need. This area will not be viewable to non registered users."

I don't remember the old wording but it said something to the effect of "This is where our religious members offer each other spiritual support. Absolutely no religious debate..." I think it went on to list a few other "absolutely no" things, can't remember what they were but my own additional wording would be ..."or negative comments about the religious beliefs of others".

Re: Suggestions Please......!!!

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 3:00 pm
by Celeste
Violet M wrote:
Karyn wrote:Greetings, Mods!
Would it be possible to have a photo gallery on this site, for those who aren't shy?
We'll have to think about this suggestion. I think it's a lovely idea but we had problems on the old forum where people who weren't shy at first became shy later on and regretted what they had posted when they discovered certain family members and acquaintances were perusing the forum. It became a nightmare to the moderators to try to remove what they wanted removed.
There is always Facebook, email, and snail mail for more personal contacts. I've done them all and in some ways, I think it's better because the person retains control. Hopefully another site closure wouldn't happen, but if it did, you'd still have your network in place. I think a lot of people were really thrown with those lost connections this past year, and it seems like it would be better to keep them separate. JMHO.

Re: Suggestions Please......!!!

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 5:24 pm
by Emily B
Hi, Celeste. I wasn't timed out. I typed in the wrong answer to the question. The post was then lost and I had to re-create it.

Emily B.

Re: Suggestions Please......!!!

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 5:40 pm
by HerMajesty
Emily, I try to always remember to hilight, right-click, and "copy" my long posts or PMs to the clipboard before I try to send, as they can be lost for any number of reasons during the sending process.

Re: Suggestions Please......!!!

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 4:29 pm
by HerMajesty
And Karyn, would you please just give in and get a Facebook? ...resistance is shall become one of us...

Re: Suggestions Please......!!!

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 5:47 pm
by Karyn
HerMajesty wrote:And Karyn, would you please just give in and get a Facebook? ...resistance is shall become one of us...
:lol: :lol:
Are you kidding me? It's all I can do with keeping up with this forum! :lol:
Maybe, if I EVER have surgery and have got some free time on my hands, I'll check it out and dabble a little. :lol:

Re: Suggestions Please......!!!

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 6:46 pm
by HerMajesty
Karyn wrote:
HerMajesty wrote:And Karyn, would you please just give in and get a Facebook? ...resistance is shall become one of us...
:lol: :lol:
Are you kidding me? It's all I can do with keeping up with this forum! :lol:
Maybe, if I EVER have surgery and have got some free time on my hands, I'll check it out and dabble a little. :lol:
Facebook is actually a time saver. Right now you have to keep in touch with all your cyber-friends through lengthy board posts and personal emails that actually say meaningful things. Facebook allows you to to create the illusion of relationship through a series of impersonal one-liners.

Re: Suggestions Please......!!!

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 7:16 pm
by Karyn
HerMajesty wrote:Facebook is actually a time saver. Right now you have to keep in touch with all your cyber-friends through lengthy board posts and personal emails that actually say meaningful things. Facebook allows you to to create the illusion of relationship through a series of impersonal one-liners.
:lol: OMG - you kill me!!! :lol:
OK - when I'm ready to take the plunge, I'll do what I usually do and consult with you for the "how to" ... :lol:
I was pretty adament about not creating a FB account and scoffed at your "resistance is futile". I was like, "Oh! But poo-poo on you, HM!"
But since you put it this way (quote above), it really does shed a different light on things. :D
With love from your friend and biggest fan,

Re: Suggestions Please......!!!

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 7:45 pm
by Celeste
All you do is give Facebook your email account and make a password, and you're in. You can send PMs through it, too.

It truly is a timesaver if you need to broadcast something, but the catch there is that you have to censor yourself...can't exactly complain about a specific person if they'll get the broadcast because they're your Facebook friend. :oops: :oops: :oops: You also have to remember who's going through what in their lives, so you don't post something that will inadvertently be hurtful. In those cases it's wise to maybe give that person some notice privately so they won't see your big announcement and recoil from it because they're in an opposite life situation. This can apply to soooo many things.