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Re: New To This Site and Hoping For Help...

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 6:28 am
by DoubleEdgedSword
Friday hubby & I had a rare day off together, so we got on the subway & went downtown to the clinic, to see how long it would take to get there, & where exactly it is. We found it easily enough & went up in the elevator to the clinic, & I even sat in one of the chairs to see how uncomfortable it is..

I'm more at ease now about getting there. I do best for myself knowing exactly where I'm going so there's one less thing to worry about day-of the appointment.. My hubby's going to come with me on Oct 1, so I'm really grateful for that. Don't know how comfortable I'll be taking the subway home after tho.. :?

Re: New To This Site and Hoping For Help...

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 3:30 am
by Violet M
DoubleEdgedSword wrote: I even sat in one of the chairs to see how uncomfortable it is..
How bad were the chairs? Hopefully you won't have to sit in them too long. ;)

Re: New To This Site and Hoping For Help...

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 12:39 pm
by DoubleEdgedSword
I think most people would consider them borderline comfortable, but I said to my hubby 'These are not PGAD-friendly chairs!' :lol:

I think I'll be taking a cushion or a yoga mat with me, since I hear Dr G runs way behind schedule. If worse comes to worse, I'll stand for part of my wait. ;)

Re: New To This Site and Hoping For Help...

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 2:09 pm
by Lernica
Those chairs are very PN-unfriendly. But there are well padded benches in the hospital cafeteria. If you ask Dr. G's secretary, Debbie, how far behind schedule he is running, you can wait in the cafeteria while lying down on a bench. I usually spend about an hour there, and about 30 - 45 minutes back in his waiting room. Good luck!

Re: New To This Site and Hoping For Help...

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 7:47 am
by DoubleEdgedSword
Thanks, Lernica! All these little tips go a long ways to making it easier for those who follow.. :)

I'm currently battling a bit of a pain cycle, but if it hurts in the morning still, I'll take an extra Lyrica. Luckily the pain hasn't got any worse the two days I've had it.. I'm hoping the sitting in the waiting room won't aggravate it, or maybe that it'll be gone by that time..

Re: New To This Site and Hoping For Help...

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 7:06 am
by DoubleEdgedSword
Today is finally the day.. Looking on it with anticipation and a bit of anxiety.. Hoping my coping techniques will help me thru it all and I won't be too sore to work tomorrow..

Gosh, I sure hope 8 1/2 months of waiting will give me some answers!

Re: New To This Site and Hoping For Help...

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 12:40 am
by Violet M
DES, I see you have posted about your visit in this thread. ... 555#p30555

I'll reply to you there. ;)


Re: New To This Site and Hoping For Help...

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 6:05 am
by DoubleEdgedSword
Monday I got the call that they can 'fit me in' for my EMG.. It's going to be November 16th.

This is the test that is scaring me the most. I did ask the woman on the phone if it'll be the one with the needles or the surface EMG, and she said 'the surface one'.. That's a bit of a relief for me, but I'm still scared. My stress coping skills aren't kicking in at all since I went to Dr G and learned he was ordering this test. I can't sleep well and I'm getting panic attacks for no reason.

I know part of 'getting better' (if there is to be such a thing in my future) will be finding out what's going on with my nerve and my PGAD so I'll have to endure this. I really wish I wasn't so scared.. :(

Re: New To This Site and Hoping For Help...

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 3:37 am
by Violet M
DES, I don't know if this will ease your mind at all but compared to the pain/discomfort of PGAD and PNE the EMG is really quite minor. As with most medical procedures, I can't say it's something to look forward to but it will be over with quickly and then you can forget about it. Is there something you can take in the meantime like xanax or clonazepam that will help you sleep? Maybe if you call Dr. G's office they could call in a prescription for you to get you through this anxious time.


Re: New To This Site and Hoping For Help...

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 8:22 am
by DoubleEdgedSword
Thanks for your comforting words, Violet. I'm coping a bit better now. The past couple of days I've been able to get myself calmed down quicker. I really hope it won't be too painful, or cause a flare-up, because those are so uncomfortable on top of the distraction of the arousal..

I'm leery of going onto more meds because both my current ones are tapping me financially. I'm hoping my hubby might even be able to come into the room with me for the EMG.. Not that he'd want to, but I'd sure like the moral support! ;)

On another note, I got my letter saying my MRI (MRN?) will be December 7th. That one doesn't worry me as much because I've had a couple of them before. I don't know if they'll be using the contrast dye or not, but if so, I'll make sure they know I need someone who can actually give a needle and find a vein. Mine are very hard to find. Last year it took 4 tries for various nurses to locate a vein and get the dye into my arm.. Not a pleasant experience at all, and my arm swelled up something awful. :(