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Re: Surgery with Dr Azsmann

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 11:34 pm
by Meliora
I guess I did not realize there was a risk of incontinence and numbness from TG surgery. Is that a risk with any PN type surgery? I am also nervous about surgery. I am having a combo of botox, blocks and further vein treatment in a few weeks. Individually, this approach has not worked. Surgery is certainly something I wish I could avoid, but will do what I have to. I hope you can feel some peace about whatever decision you choose.

Re: Surgery with Dr Azsmann

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 9:35 am
by helenlegs 11
That's the trouble with any surgery, there are risks.
I suppose you get to a stage in PN life when you make the decision to not live like this any more and try for something better, when all else has failed, i.e. surgery. Many people decide to manage with the problem with help from pain management, medication and a restricted lifestyle just as some people opt not to have say spinal surgery.
It is a tough decision Earl but the only person who can make that decision is you. Not having had the surgery I can't give you any positive feedback sorry, I'm not ducking the advice and info request I just don't feel qualified to give any. The only thing to do is gather as much info as you can and make the most informed choice possible. Just as you are doing.
Sorry you are having a tough time of it at the moment rea . I think everyone goes through it at some stage, sometimes repeatedly, especially with the addition of extra emotional issues. We cope and cope and cope. . . . until something happens that just tips us into sadness. Pain and emotions are strongly intertwined so it's almost expected. Hope you begin to feel better soon, treat yourself to something maybe? You deserve it.
Take care,

Re: Surgery with Dr Azsmann

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 7:19 pm
by rea
Earl, My 1st appt. with Hibner is April 9th. I'm arriving on the 8th and will be praying for you.

Re: Surgery with Dr Azsmann

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 9:53 pm
by Earl
Thank you all for your prayers and concern . It's very wearing on a person second guessing all the myriads of possibilities with no concrete answers. I've heard others say the same that eventually it kind of messes with your judgment in making decisions on a recovery plan. I've thought all along that there's no way I could live this way the rest of my life . I wish I were 90 years old . There's a better place after that. Even the risks are acceptable if the diagnosis is correct.
I am going to the University of Washington Hospital in Seattle next week to see if the team there gives me the same diagnosis . I could then hopefully have the surgery April 8th in Phoenix as scheduled. Since a PNE diagnosis is based on exclusion I hope to check for any and all other options .like I've mentioned earlier I have past surgeries and back issues that haven't been a problem but may be causing this problem.
Rea it sounds like we may be in Phoenix over the same time . I would be sure that Loretta the PT is going to see you . She only comes in on Wednesday's I believe. Also you'll sure want your list of questions written and ready when you see dr Hibner. It is hard to get some of those answers later. I wish you the very best!

Re: Surgery with Dr Azsmann

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 10:32 pm
by Meliora
Earl, is there a PN doctor at the University of Washington Hospital? I feel like you....wondering if the diagnosis is right on. All the decisions we have to make is sometimes just too overwhelming. The more I think about things, the more I second guess myself.

Rea, I agree with Earl...make sure you get to see Loretta! She is awesome! Also, have every question you could ever dream of asking Hibner written down. I saw the medical assistant the day before Loretta/Hibner. The assistant asked me to make a timeline of symptoms for Dr. Hibner. I ended up spending my evening (before I saw Hibner) going through my history on a tiny notepad.

Good luck to you both Earl and Rea!

Earl, quick you think the combo approach (blocks, botox, vein treatment) made you worse? Was it one treatment vs another or just worsening in general? I am scheduled for the combo approach early next month.

Re: Surgery with Dr Azsmann

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 7:20 pm
by Earl
Hi Meliora,
I felt the combo of injections did damage because of there being so many in a small location . I still have some fecal incontinence and had bruising and pain for weeks. I noticed incontinence immediately on day 1 after the nerve block numbing wore off.The Botox doesn't kick in until day 5 so I don't think it was the botox at all.I had questioned Dr Hibner before Botox about whether there were incontinence issues with that procedure and he told me it never happened before.That was one of the reasons why I was scared of surgery because it seems like I always fall in this small percentage worsened.Dr Hibner had told me that he typically doesn't like to do all 3 procedures at the same time but mostly because it is hard to determine which one was effective.At 3 and a half months past my injections I still have incontinence issues and my scrotum is cold lots of the time.I would hesitate having all three at once.
I am tired of diagnosing myself and am hoping that a team approach can at least exclude some past surgery damage.The University of Washington Hospital is rated very high and since PNE is diagnosed based on exclusion I am hoping that can be done.My first appointment is to see a Dr with internal medicine who will send me to a specialist within the hospital.I could become more confused than I am now .Dr Hibner and Loretta both feel I have Alcock compression of the right pudendal nerve but that not all of my pain comes from there .It seems they are weak on diagnosing other possibilities.What if these other things are causing the supposed' Alcock like 'pain.Believe me I'm not blaming them .They expect their patients to have looked into the more common problems first.
I wish you the very best on your upcoming Phoenix visit!!

Re: Surgery with Dr Azsmann

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 9:03 pm
by Meliora
Yikes Earl! Now I am really nervous! I am like you, I respond opposite/etc. to most things. I am wondering if I should skip a part of the "combo" approach. I had better decide pretty quick. Have you decided about surgery?

Re: Surgery with Dr Azsmann

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 10:44 pm
by river133
I will put my two cents here, take it or leave it. I had surgery with Dr.Israe:al Chambi. My sciatic piriformis ,pudendal pain all went together. My sciatic pain after surgery was horrible, as was the pm pain. I had my right side nerves decompressed in Oct. The left side was done last May. For the last month,my sciatic pain has totally dissapeared.Dr. Chambi decompressed 4 nerves that were impinging my pelvic bone. The pudendal is taking longer to .heal,although I have to keep hoping that one day that will improve. Hope is all we have..Dr. Chambi is an excellent nuersuge
Your problems probably do not compare to mine. But then who knows. My nerves were being decompressed by fibroses due to a fall on my back about 10 years ago. Took that long to cause all of the problems. Dr. Chambi was the only Dr. Out of the 27 drs.I had seen previously that actually knew what caused my compressed nerves. Take it for what it is. I hope some one will be able to help you.

Re: Surgery with Dr Azsmann

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 2:40 am
by Meliora
River, I am so happy you are finding some relief from your surgery! I too hope your pudendal nerve heals soon as well. Tonight I think I would take surgery this minute! I am having brutal spasms that are twisting the fire out the nerves! Oh my!

Re: Surgery with Dr Azsmann

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 3:02 am
by Violet M
Meliora, I'm sorry you are having a rough night. Do you have your heating pad and ice handy? Hopefully one or the other will help.
