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Re: New To This Site and Hoping For Help...

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 10:49 am
by Dizzyblonde
Hi Violet, thanks so much for your comments, I have already gained much from this site. At Janet's suggestion regarding medication I rang Prof Vancaille this afternoon and he's going to add Lortab patches to my regime. I'm intolerant to most meds, even anti-nausea which he has also recommended initially so will see how I go. The pain is out of control presently so hope for a positive outcome. Thank you for your advice regarding topical agents which is now on my 'to do' list. Control of my pain is my priority, the road to recovery is much longer and harder than I ever imagined so I will be drawing on the knowledge acquired by members of this forum whilst on their journey too.
Cheers, Judy

Re: New To This Site and Hoping For Help...

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 11:17 pm
by janetm2
So glad to help. It sounds like a few ideas you can try and hopefully cut the pain and refresh you for the journey! Best to you, keep us posted and feel free to ask anything although we all seem to have different paths usually someone has a close enough experience to pass along their advice.

Re: New To This Site and Hoping For Help...

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 9:12 am
by DoubleEdgedSword
Going for my EMG this afternoon. Gosh, I'm sure hoping it doesn't hurt that much. Had my doc appmt yesterday and found out I'm pre-diabetic now. This really sucks.. :(

Re: New To This Site and Hoping For Help...

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 5:12 am
by Violet M
How'd it go, DES? Hope you got through it OK.


Re: New To This Site and Hoping For Help...

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 8:16 am
by DoubleEdgedSword
Sorry, I've been off the grid these past few weeks, dealing with a lot of personal issues. Turns out I'm not pre-diabetic, but diabetic. I've had a headache for 3 1/2 weeks straight, so when I went to the walk-in doctor last week, she said I needed to start diabetic meds right away, and hopefully they would help my headache disappear once I got my sugar levels under control..

I actually don't know if I had an EMG or a PNMLT. Dr Gordon had the electrode thingie over a finger and it was a mostly-internal exam. Apparently my reaction times were normal..

I was really happy that my hubby was allowed into the room with me. He just stood out of the way against the wall near me, but it helped my anxiety level greatly to have him there. It was quite uncomfortable for me, although not as horrible as my imagination led me to believe. He also did an external palpating test, and as a result of both of these, I was in some pain for a few days afterwards.

My MRI is scheduled for Friday evening. Of course my hubby will come with me, since it's downtown at a different hospital and it'll be dark..

I'll let you know how that goes. Dr Gordon will be looking for Tarlov cycts and also perineal cysts.

Re: New To This Site and Hoping For Help...

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 11:49 am
by janetm2
so glad you made it okay and sorry to hear you have diabetes to deal with. Hang in there and my hubby is also a great support and driver, makes a world of difference.
Janet hope the MRI goes well and gives you data to work out a treatment plan.

Re: New To This Site and Hoping For Help...

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 4:13 am
by Violet M
Good for you, DES -- glad you came through the testing OK. You sure have had a lot to deal with lately but it's great that your husband is being so supportive. Good luck with your MRI. ;)


Re: New To This Site and Hoping For Help...

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 8:35 am
by DoubleEdgedSword
Thanks so much ladies. It's not been an easy journey for me lately and I'm so grateful to my hubby for being so supportive to me. Yesterday while I was at counselling he took my MRI cds to Dr Gordon and the radiologist at the other hospital where I'll have my MRI done on Friday. I then went to work in the evening, and didn't see him until I got home from work at 11:30PM.. :(

If he only knew how much I lean on him and appreciate his support.. I'm so lucky!

I haven't been able to get a straight answer from anyone on whether I have to stop my Metformin before the MRI.. It's got me worried, as the interactions with the contrast dye can be very dangerous to the kidneys.. :?

Re: New To This Site and Hoping For Help...

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 10:00 pm
by Violet M
DES, what is the trade-off? Can you keep your blood sugar and a safe level without it?


Re: New To This Site and Hoping For Help...

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 7:51 am
by DoubleEdgedSword
Violet, apparently since gadolinium is not an iodine-based contrast dye, it's safe for people taking Metformin to continue taking it if they're having an MRI. At least that's what my radiology tech told me. I stopped it the night before and for two days afterwards, just to be safe, since I'd read on-line that it may be potentially dangerous. I don't need kidney problems on top of PGAD and diabetes!

I actually watched what I was eating and when, and was super-careful not to overdo anything I'm allowed to eat, and I felt fine (except for that headache)..

I'm still in the process of balancing my sugar, and I've started testing it myself with the meter.. I'm a huge chicken when it comes to needles, so I'm on a learning curve still..

I go in a few hours to get my MRI results consultation with Dr Gordon.. I'm suspecting they won't find anything of consequence this time around, then I'll be left wondering what on earth is causing my PGAD.. :?