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Burning pain after CT scan

Posted: Sun May 10, 2020 9:43 am
by meti
I am 35y old and last year at the begining of october I was on my bussines trip in South Korea. After a couple days of working I was feeling bad with high fever and my korean colleague took me to the ER. They took blood and urin for tests, took x-ray and I told to the doctor that I have a dry cough -> obviosly I had pneumonia, but they weren't able to see this on x-ray, so the stupid young doctor suggested me CT-scan with contrast and I accepted :evil: I wasn't aware about the consequences of these scan :x ... and from here my nightmare :x began, because during the last CT-scan I felt burnig in my pelvic area - like a cell burned out and from that moment I constantly feel burning pain in perineum, sometimes it jumps to scrotum area which also colored red and sometimes jump to anus after using toilet.
I have been to urologist, dermatologist, neurologist but nobody is able to help me, the last one also said that everything is in my head :x I have symptoms of pn (burning perineum, pain while sitting, release while standind and walking). Last month I can sleep and I am a litle better, but I was very depressed and also I have already one suicide attempt behind (even I wasn't aware what I am doing) jumping from a high building, but somehow I survived and now dealing with consequences. I am now on cymbalta and have some release and every day regretting the day I went to the doctor in South Korea and took a CT scan.

best regards

Re: Burning pain after CT scan

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 8:41 pm
by meti
can somebody tell me about red/purple scrotum, besides burning pain in perineum. Could this be also pn symptom or is something else?

thank you and br

Re: Burning pain after CT scan

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 12:28 pm
by flyer28
I have also problem with high sensitivity and pinching pain in the scrotum. But this was not of my initial symptoms so I think this is rather a result of central senzitization and allodynia. Anxiety might also play a significant role.

Re: Burning pain after CT scan

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2020 11:56 am
by meti
Does anybody know how a IV Iodine contrast interact with radiation. Because I have feeling that doctors in South Korea something messed up because they gave me a contrast 40 min prior to CT scan. I think that in this time contrast went to my bladder and when they made a CT scan there was a lot of contrast in bladder which interact wih radiation and heated up and damaged my nerve. Are around bladder also pudendal nerves?

thank you

Re: Burning pain after CT scan

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 4:59 am
by Violet M
The pudendal nerve innervates the bladder sphincter.

I don't remember ever hearing of someone getting pudendal neuralgia from CT scan with contrast and I'm not sure exactly what the mechanism of injury would be -- maybe the contrast close to the nerve like you said is a possibility.

I have heard of women with discoloration of the genitals from pudendal neuralgia but I'm not sure about men. Theoretically since nerves control the dilation and constriction of the blood vessels, maybe if the nerve is malfunctioning it would affect the blood flow to the area. Sorry, I don't know the answer to your question for sure.

So the anus is innervated by a different branch of the pudendal nerve than the bladder sphincter. When you have more than 1 branch affected it points towards a possible problem with the main branch of the nerve.


Re: Burning pain after CT scan

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 1:06 pm
by meti
Thank you very much for your answer Violet. Well everything begun during my CT so perhapse there was some malfunctioning nerve and a CT was a trigger point. But anyway I regret the decison to make a CT scan.

Re: Burning pain after CT scan

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2021 11:13 am
by meti
Hello Violet
Do the nerves regrow back or not and how long it takes to heal?

thankl you and br