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Post Pudental nerve decompression surgery

Posted: Tue May 12, 2020 7:12 pm
by Milly
Can anybody tell me how I can expect to feel after surgery ?
It is now four months since my operation and I am not feeling much better yet.
I have started to walk more recently in the hope that this will help my recovery but am still struggling to walk very far.
I had just started Physio and swimming before the lockdown but have been unsure about what exercises might help if any
since, and have quite a lot of discomfort still if I'm honest.
I accept this is probably a long road to recovery and improvement of my symptoms and am trying to remain positive.
However I appreciate any advice from anybody who has been in my situation on what to expect after the operation or what if anything may help me at this difficult time ?
Many thanks

Re: Post Pudental nerve decompression surgery

Posted: Thu May 14, 2020 7:13 pm
by Ray P.
Who did surgery?


Re: Post Pudental nerve decompression surgery

Posted: Thu May 14, 2020 10:42 pm
by Milly
Dr Eric Bautrant in France

Re: Post Pudental nerve decompression surgery

Posted: Fri May 15, 2020 3:16 am
by jaxi123
Unfortunately I never got better . It is usually months of 2 Steps backwards and one step forward process. I was told to walk as much as possible day after surgery to reduce scar tissue. I walked constantly and it did not reduce the scar tissue. I only became re entrapped with scar tissue. Take care.

Re: Post Pudental nerve decompression surgery

Posted: Fri May 15, 2020 9:32 am
by Milly
I am sorry to hear you are still struggling Can I ask you how you manage your pain ?

Re: Post Pudental nerve decompression surgery

Posted: Mon May 18, 2020 1:47 am
by jaxi123
Tramadol suppositories various compounding creams and lots of days these do nothing

Re: Post Pudental nerve decompression surgery

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2020 5:53 pm
by chloe
Hi Milly, I had PNE surgery with Dr. Hibner in 2007. I stayed in bed for the first 3 months, only leaving to walk outdoors (10 minutes) every 2 hours. I returned to work after the 3 months part time, standing. Avoided sitting as much as possible for about 1.5 - 2 years post op. I had a great physical therapist who I saw twice a week for 2 years post op for internal massage, dry needling and external skin rolling. I also had internal pelvic floor injections with a pain doc for over a year post op to help the pelvic floor spasms calm down. If I remember correctly, he used marcaine and a little bit of steroids...about every month or so. It was a long recovery but I really "babied" the nerve so I had the best shot at a successful recovery. The vaginal suppositories prescribed to me by Dr. Hibner were belladonna and valium...they worked very well. I was also taking Lyrica before and after surgery and just stopped taking it a few years ago (it was also helping my fibromyalgia). Recovery is different for everyone, hang in there and listen to your body. Swimming may or may not be helpful if you are in pain. Take care!

Re: Post Pudental nerve decompression surgery

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2020 7:48 pm
by Milly
Thankyou for your reply

It is now eight months since my operation and I actually feel I am improving very slowly although I think I still have a long way to go.

I am very careful what I try to do on a daily basis and feel it is a bit of a rolleracoaster some days are better than others for no apparent reason.

I have just started physiotherapy and am hoping this will help my recovery too. I am no longer working as I feel I still could not manage at the moment However I do walk most days and try to keep as active as possible.My consultant has advised I also have some Botox injections along with Physio to help with the muscle spasm.

I am pleased I had the operation as I was told I had a definite entrapment.Iam also trying to remain positive as I understand it is a long road to recovery.

Thanks for the reply to my post,your comments are helpful and it is nice to chat to understands what you are going though.

Re: Post Pudental nerve decompression surgery

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 10:14 am
by jaxi123
Glad you are better. I had 2 failed PNE surgeries and no relief yet the surgical notes say I was entrapped. Re entrapped with scar tissue now and nothing helps and no doctor can help.

Re: Post Pudental nerve decompression surgery

Posted: Thu May 06, 2021 4:59 pm
by bbrad5959
How do you even find a surgeon? I have yet to find anyone who knows about the Pudendal Nerve Pains' effect on my life. All I have ever been prescribed is antidepressants and nitroglycerin ointment. I am close to Birmingham Ala if anyone could help. This is my first post. I have had this horrible pain since 2018.