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Tinel's Test

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 2:18 pm
by Alessandro76
hi guys,
I need your experiences even if you are not a Doctors, but for sure many of you knows, unfortunately, a lot about this disease.

my question in reality it's quite simple.
what is doing me crazy, if Tinel 's test is negative, absolutely no pain during the palpation, it means that even the branches area: rectal nerve, perineal nerve, ]and the dorsal nerve of the penis (in males) or the dorsal nerve of the clitoris are free?

Tinel 's test has been done to me by Bautrant in France last July and last week during my Physio treatment.

please if someone knows I will really appreciate an answer.
btw, I have sent an email to Bautrant about this question, but he didn't replay to me yet, and my physio said to me that with Tinel's test, whatever nerves are involved, I should feel pain.
is it true?