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Men - these are symptoms that show pudendal nerve entrapment

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 4:32 pm
by pudendalpainindia
After years of dealing with this situation, getting a confirmed diagnosis, and speaking with multiple other people suffering from PNE here are symptoms that can definitely prove your PNE. Note you need MULTIPLE or ALL of these below symptoms. Just having one or two does not confirm diagnosis, it could be something else as well.

Pudendal nerve is a somatic nerve. While you might have sensation when you pinch the skin of your penis, there is a lack of "deep inner sensation" like you previously had before your injury. This naturally means difficult to get a reflex erection. So if you run a light finger over your shaft/glans and dont get that usual pleasurable sensation it means there is a disruption in the signalling between your brain and nerve.

Self explanatory. Does not have to be complete ED because remember you have 2 sets of pudendal nerves left and right. Also, if the pudendal nerve is compressed it is likely that the PUDENDAL ARTERY is compressed as well which leads to vascular insufficiency hence difficulty getting an erection. Observe this: when you DO get an erection and just let it be, does your penis twitch as if there is an insufficiency of blood? i.e. slight twitching and deflation. This means arterial insufficiency which can be because pudendal artery is compressed.

Put a finger in your asshole and try to tighten your anal sphincter as hard as you can. If it is anything less than an 8/10 of tightness then your sphincter muscle is weak. Usually people wih PNE will have a 3-4-5/10 tightness. Or alternatively try this: tighten your anal sphincter and try to insert a finger inside. Able to go inside easily? Yep that shouldnt be happening. Weak sphincter

Any pain along the pudendal nerves path helps confirm that PN is compressed. If your tailbone is randomly sore then its a good indicator of PNE (assuming you have multiple of the other symptoms)

Classic symptom of PNE. Sitting for too long causes pain and flare ups. This comes and goes.

This is an ancillary symptom. If you have this symptom along with others it might be PNE.

Hope this helped. Good luck and please feel free to add symptoms that you think are significant that I didnt articulate properly

Re: Men - these are symptoms that show pudendal nerve entrap

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2021 8:56 am
by benraycamp0
Thanks for sharing this list!
Is it possible to have PNE without any pain? For example, just having the numbness and ED without pain?

Re: Men - these are symptoms that show pudendal nerve entrap

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2021 4:21 pm
by pudendalpainindia
Yes of course, PNE without pain is seen in many cases. Just functional issues - numbness and ED, possibly urinary hesitancy and anal sphincter weakness

Re: Men - these are symptoms that show pudendal nerve entrap

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2021 8:41 pm
by benraycamp0
Thanks for the response.

You said PNE without pain is seen in “many cases”. How do you know this? Whenever I look online or read any research papers or even the vast majority of posts here, I keep seeing pain as the chief complaint. I’d imagine if the pudendal nerve is truly entrapped that there would inevitably be pain along with the other symptoms. Or am I missing something?

Re: Men - these are symptoms that show pudendal nerve entrap

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2022 5:45 pm
by cwb125
I have all the symptoms but the erectile dysfunction. Honestly wish I had erectile dysfunction, though, because I think I could somewhat manage my pain if I abstained from sexual activity! :lol: