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Cymbalta questions

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 9:23 pm
by Myra
Hi, it's Myra (the newbie from WV) again. I saw my family doctor Tuesday and just began taking Cymbalta today. She thought it was an excellent suggestion. She had read over the PN material I'd printed out for her and said my symptoms sure seem to fit the criteria. We'll see. Anyway, the Cymbalta seems to be making me extremely nauseous and shaky. Do any of you have this problem with this med? If so, does it pass quickly? Please advise. Thanks so much!

Re: Cymbalta questions

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 6:42 pm
by drds89

All the SSRIs can cause those symptoms when you first start them, and usually go away after 2 or 3 days (and with each dose adjustment). Sometimes they don't go away. I always start low dose and gradually increase them, to try and avoid those side effects (headaches, nausea, diarhea, jitteriness--is a serotonin symptom). You didn't tell us how much you started on, maybe it ' s too much for you, all of us are different.

I promise you that you are not 'bothering' your doctor with calling and letting her know what you're experiencing. That's what I would recommend .

Did you have to go through trials of other medications first to get it approved or did you just outright buy it? I have not prescribed Cymbalta often, but the times I have, the patient's insurance companies put us through a lot of 'prior authorization' hades and sometimes still won't approve it.

Hope this helps

Re: Cymbalta questions

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 7:24 am
by Cora
I have been on Cymbalta for 4 years. It really has been good for me, with no side effects, except right now, I think I may have some and I am tapering off. I do have intermittent shakiness, like when I go to pick up something, my hand will shake a bit. I also feel a little buzz through my whole body, like a little electric current, and now i have tinnitus. Not sure if it is from Cymbalta I m on other meds too. But still, going off to see what it does feel like to be off. I was very happy to have it for the 4 years now of PN. So, that's that about me and Cymbalta

Re: Cymbalta questions

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 9:14 pm
by Violet M
Cora, I would be interested to hear what schedule you are using to go off cymbalta. When I quit using Lexapro I took a year to go off of it by decreasing the amount slightly each week.