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Anyone have vaginal nerve blocks? Increased pain

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 4:11 pm
by NewMom
Just wondering if anyone has had vaginal nerve blocks? A doctor gave me an unguided one last Thursday and since then, my pain has been excruciating. I originally went to her since she is the head of the pelvic pain program at UCLA. She recommended a nerve block vaginally (just anesthetic - not sure which one) which she perfomed in the exam room. Since then, my pain levels have been increasing every day and I can no longer sit. Is this considered a flare and will it eventually go away? If so, how long does it take?

I called her to let her know my pain has increased and she was very unsympathetic. I asked her if this new pain will resolve and if it doesn't, at what point should I be concerned? Her reply was "I don't know what you mean by concerned, there's nothing you can do about it.". We went around like this in circles for 5 minutes and her only recommendation to me was to see her colleague Dr. John McDonald (who doesn't take insurance) and get the caudal injetions to hopefully decrease my pain. She said I should just bite the bullet and pay the cash to see him (her estimate $1200/injection). I've read really bad reviews (on non-PN sites) about Dr. McDonald that he caused more pain after his injections or they didn't help at all. Plus when I spoke with him over the phone, he guaranteed he could cure me with a series of his injections. I'm new to PN, but from what I've read, how could a doctor guarantee to cure with injections only?

Thank you for any info you can give. I can't believe how cold and uncaring a doctor can be. I've had awful experiences with my doctors out here in LA.

Re: Anyone have vaginal nerve blocks? Increased pain

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 4:56 pm
by merrie
New mom-

I believe you are talking about dr Andrea rapkin. If so, when we connect this evening I can discuss my personal experience with this dr, who I also found to be very unsympathetic.

In terms of dr McDonald, my recommendation would be to stick with your current plan of seeing dr Jordan. I can share with you this evening the feedback I have heard through the grapevine about dr McDonald.


Re: Anyone have vaginal nerve blocks? Increased pain

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 5:55 pm
by NewMom
Thank you so much Merrie - I so look forward to speaking with you tonight!

Re: Anyone have vaginal nerve blocks? Increased pain

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:31 pm
by Celeste
The one I had caused an area of new pain in addition to a temporary pain flare. The new area took a year to fade away post op. I don't know if they nicked a nerve ending or what, but I sooo did not need a worse problem than I started out with. I never went back. I can't imagine putting up with someone who is outright unsympathetic, though, or at least not any longer than I absolutely had to. It costs nothing to show a little kindness. My feeling is that they have no idea the luxury they enjoy of not knowing what it's like to be in such pain.

Re: Anyone have vaginal nerve blocks? Increased pain

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:23 pm
by pomegranate

I'm so sorry to hear of your experience. Nerve blocks brought me increased pain, also. We're not really sure why...but I do know that in my case, the trauma of the injections caused me more muscle spasms. So, that could be part of your problem currently. Do you have anything to take to relax your muscles? (Valium, Zanaflex, etc.)

Flares do die down, so hang in there.


Re: Anyone have vaginal nerve blocks? Increased pain

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 10:37 pm
by NewMom
Thanks Lauren - I really hope this new pain will resolve! I've not been prescribed anything in terms of relaxing my muscles. Only narcotics to help with the pain but I hate the feeling of being loopy all day. I feel so incoherent at times and I wonder if I make any sense to my family. Were the blocks you received vaginally and were they only manually guided? I just feel like my doc didn't really know what she was doing. She just asked me where it hurt most and injected the needle there. Not a fun experience...

Re: Anyone have vaginal nerve blocks? Increased pain

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 10:46 pm
by A's Mommy
Dear NewMom,

Oh, how my heart goes out to you!!! When I first had Athena, we lived in SoCal close to LA, and I found most docs to be clueless as well, even at big hospitals!!!

My only hope was the old pudendal forum and TIPNA, and that's how I finally got a proper diagnosis by Dr. Hibner.

I have heard good things about Dr. Sheldon Jordan, but I personally have not gone to him. I know GregT over on TIPNA has, you may want to get in touch with him or someone else who has direct experience w/ him.

Have you got in touch w/ pianogal? She may be able to help you with SoCal area physicians, too.

I am SO SORRY you are suffering. You remind me of myself after I had Athena. My prayers are with you.

Write anytime,

A's Mommy

Re: Anyone have vaginal nerve blocks? Increased pain

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 12:09 am
by pomegranate
NewMom wrote:Thanks Lauren - I really hope this new pain will resolve! I've not been prescribed anything in terms of relaxing my muscles. Only narcotics to help with the pain but I hate the feeling of being loopy all day. I feel so incoherent at times and I wonder if I make any sense to my family. Were the blocks you received vaginally and were they only manually guided? I just feel like my doc didn't really know what she was doing. She just asked me where it hurt most and injected the needle there. Not a fun experience...
I had flouroscopy-guided blocks through the buttocks. I don't want to scare you, but the flare lasted for quite some time for me (months). BUT, I did get back to my pre-block level of pain eventually. I am left with some new areas of pain, but it's not any worse, so it doesn't affect me much more than the original pain.

Have you tried Tramadol? I can't take Vicodin (makes me paranoid) or Percoset (I get sick) but Tramadol has been helpful in flares. I can teach high school on it! I would definitely ask a doctor for something to calm your muscles. Muscle spasms are a huge part of PN because the nerve innervates muscles, and then the spasms can create new, worse pain. Vicious cycle!

A's Mommy gave you some great advice.


Re: Anyone have vaginal nerve blocks? Increased pain

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 11:08 pm
by NewMom
Thank you so much A's Mommy. It has been so hard dealing with all this pain from PN and trying to care for a newborn the best I can. It's been devastating emotionally and very hard at times to cope. I admire you for your strength through all of this. How are you doing post-op from your TG surgery? I'm anxious to hear about your recovery. When is the surgery for your right side?

Lauren, do you feel the nerve blocks help you at all in the end? The vaginal block I had was anesthetic only so I don't know why it increased my pain so much. I just fel like this doc really didn't know what she was doing and had no business doing the injection. It's been about 9 days since the injection and still a ton of pain. My pain doc did give me some Tramodol, but it doesn't seem to be helping so I went back to the Nucynta which is not working as well as it did before. So I went to a new OB/GYN in Orange County this time and she gave me some valium suppositories, but I find laying down all day helps the most. Feel like I've been bedridden for the past few days. Thank you again everyone - I'm regretting letting her do the vaginal injection BIG TIME.

Re: Anyone have vaginal nerve blocks? Increased pain

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 4:10 am
by A's Mommy

I <3 you!!!!!!! Hang in there. I feel every ounce of your pain.

Just cradle that miracle of yours and thank God.

We will figure this out, all together. Did you get in touch w/ pianogal? Sorry if I keep asking you this. she lives near you.