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pelvic hernias

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 4:07 pm
by christi
The New York Times just ran this article on how tiny internal hernias can cause severe nerve pelvic nerve pain. ... l?emc=eta1

Ring a bell for anyone?

Re: pelvic hernias

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 4:40 pm
by Celeste
It makes me think of this thread, where you will hear not one good thing about Dr. Metzger, the one mentioned in the article: ... zger#p2280

Re: pelvic hernias

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 6:03 pm
by Emily B
I can hardly believe that Dr. Deborah Metzger is still practicing medicine and is out trolling for patients again. This is incredibly frightening. I'm re-posting my message from the link that Celeste referenced above.

Emily B.


Dr. Deborah Metzger injured many, MANY women. She was disciplined by the Medical Board of California. Here is what the Medical Board of California Action Report of July 2005 read:

"...charged with gross negligence, incompetence, repeated negligent acts and excessive treatment in the care and treatment of six patients, prescribing without medical indication, creating false medical documents and failing to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of five patients and violating advertising statutes pertaining to a Fictitious Name Permit. Revoked, stayed, placed on five years probation with terms and conditions including, but not limited to, obtaining a practice/billing monitor, prohibited from practicing surgery, specifically from practicing laparoscopy, laparotomy, and hernia repair surgery, completing a prescribing practices course and ordered to pay cost recovery of $25,000."

The medical board only goes after the worst of the worst doctors. Gross negligence. Dr. Metzger just recently completed the five year probation on her license and I fear she will once again prey on chronic pain patients like us. She is charismatic and convincing and lures in desperate patients who have chronic health problems. If you have seen her and have not been harmed, feel lucky. It was only through the efforts of the Medical Board of California and the patients who came forward that the public has been protected.

You can view the full public records of the injuries she caused to patients, overprescribed medications, falsified surgery reports, medical records, and billing and made false claims of being able to cure patients. Go to At the bottom of the page click "Continue Search". Fill in her name, Deborah Metzger. Click on Public Record Documents. Click on the items below to see the documents.

Do not become her victim.

Emily B.

Re: pelvic hernias

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 6:46 pm
by christi
Wow, I didn't know. Thanks for the warning.

Re: pelvic hernias

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 6:49 pm
by Lernica
I wasn't able to open the documents Emily refers to but I agree it seems astounding that this doctor is still permitted to practice given her record. I wonder if it's worth writing a letter to the NYT about it to warn readers? Emily, are you a former patient of hers? Is there a patient advocacy group that would be prepared to write such a letter?

Re: pelvic hernias

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 7:02 pm
by Celeste
She isn't allowed to do surgery anymore, but she can still see patients. I see online that there's a companion piece of a news clip that was done about the woman in the article. Dr. Metzer isn't in it. It was done in March, so maybe the NYT editor saw it and used it to write a piece on it. The article says that Dr. Metzger referred this patient to her colleague, Dr. Shirin Towfigh. Dr. Towfigh seems to be in good standing. I wonder if Dr. Towfigh knows about Dr. Metzer's past, but it does benefit her to have the alliance since she's a surgeon and gets surgical referrals through her. Maybe in the end it all works out for the patient...but I think if I were one of the patients harmed by Dr. Metzger, I would find it very galling to see evidence of her still practicing medicine. Clearly she's found a way to troll for patients as Emily said, by attaching her name to somebody who has a clean record.

Re: pelvic hernias

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 6:40 pm
by Emily B
I'm enraged that Deborah Metzger was quoted as an expert in the field of pelvic pain. She CAUSED pelvic pain. Here's the message I sent to the writer of the article "In Women, Hernias May Be Hidden Agony":

Dear Ms. Brody,

In your article, "In Women, Hernias May Be Hidden Agony", you quoted Dr. Deborah Metzger. Were you aware that Dr. Metzger was disciplined by the California Medical Board regarding her false claims and surgeries regarding "hidden" hernias?

Dr. Deborah Metzger injured many, MANY women. Here is what the Medical Board of California Action Report of July 2005 read:

"...charged with gross negligence, incompetence, repeated negligent acts and excessive treatment in the care and treatment of six patients, prescribing without medical indication, creating false medical documents and failing to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of five patients and violating advertising statutes pertaining to a Fictitious Name Permit. Revoked, stayed, placed on five years probation with terms and conditions including, but not limited to, obtaining a practice/billing monitor, prohibited from practicing surgery, specifically from practicing laparoscopy, laparotomy, and HERNIA REPAIR SUGERY (capitalization mine), completing a prescribing practices course and ordered to pay cost recovery of $25,000."

The medical board only goes after the worst of the worst doctors for gross negligence. Dr. Metzger just recently completed the five year probation on her license and she is once again preying on chronic pain patients. She is charismatic and convincing and lures in desperate patients who have chronic health problems. It was only through the efforts of the Medical Board of California and the patients who came forward that the public was protected.

You can view the full public records of the injuries she caused to patients, overprescribed medications, falsified surgery reports, medical records, and billing and made false claims of being able to cure patients. Go to At the bottom of the page click "Continue Search". Fill in her name, Deborah Metzger. Click on Public Record Documents. Click on the items below to see the documents.

It appears that Dr. Metzger has now attached herself to a doctor with a clean record in order to further her goals. Although you give an example of a patient that found relief, Dr. Metzger should not be looked to as a competent expert in the field of pelvic pain. She CAUSED pelvic pain in women!

Respectfully, I suggest you research your "experts" before quoting them. Through your article, you have unwittingly furthered the goals of a doctor who harmed women, many of them permanently in pain for the rest of their lives.

Emily B.

Re: pelvic hernias

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 8:08 pm
by Celeste
Emily, THANK YOU for taking the time to do this! Clearly Jane Brody didn't do her homework here.

Re: pelvic hernias

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 9:13 pm
by Charlie
I agree, good work Emily.

Re: pelvic hernias

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 12:21 am
by Lernica
Well done, Emily. It surprises me that Jane Brody of all people was taken in by Dr. Metzger.