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Can meditation be bad for you?

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:33 pm
by Charlie
I am sure many patients have been told to try meditation for chronic pain. I always assumed there was no negative aspect to meditation and have used it myself. However these articles provide an interesting view on the practice of meditation. I am sure there are counter arguments but they are an interesting read.
Dr. Solomon Snyder, head of neuroscience at Johns Hopkins University, warns that during meditation the brain releases serotonin. This may help those with mild depression but too much serotonin can cause, in some, a paradoxical relaxation-induced anxiety. Instead of relaxing during meditation, these people become distressed and may even have panic attacks ... tracts.htm
Abstract: This article reviews 75 scientific selected articles in the field of meditation, including Transcendental Meditation among others. It summarizes definitions of meditation, psychological and physiological changes, and negative side-effects encountered by 62.9% of meditators studied. While the authors did not restrict their study to TM, the side-effects reported were similar to those found in the "German Study" of Transcendental Meditators: relaxation-induced anxiety and panic; paradoxical increases in tension; less motivation in life; boredom; pain; impaired reality testing; confusion and disorientation; feeling 'spaced out'; depression; increased negativity; being more judgmental; feeling addicted to meditation; uncomfortable kinaesthetic sensations; mild dissociation; feelings of guilt; psychosis-like symptoms; grandiosity; elation; destructive behavior; suicidal feelings; defenselessness; fear; anger; apprehension; and despair.
The dangers of meditation - ... mediation/

Re: Can meditation be bad for you?

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:27 am
by HerMajesty
Wow thanks for sharing that is really interesting.
I've always hated "relaxing" and "meditating"...for my 1st baby the Nurse-Midwife practice I went to had a REQUIRED stupid childbirth class where they tried to make us meditate and imagine our baby in the womb "floating peacefully in the bag of waters"...the lights would be out and everyone would be lying on the mats listening to our INSANE childbirth instructor do weird guided imagery...except for me and this one other sane woman, we were looking across the room at each other and rolling our eyes. Now you have given me some ammo! Thanks Charlie! :mrgreen:

Re: Can meditation be bad for you?

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:30 am
by ezer
Interesting. A common denominator from reading the articles above is that in case of failures, the meditation "students" are blamed by their teachers/gurus. Hmmm! Sounds familiar.

Re: Can meditation be bad for you?

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 3:57 am
by stephanies
Very interesting.

Re: Can meditation be bad for you?

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 2:21 pm
by pdn
hi, like any "potent" treatment, it can be harmful if given poorly. there are many types of meditation techniques, and can be presented in very different contexts. Kabat-Zinn's longstanding MBSR program, based on mindfulness meditation(derived from buddhist practices), have been helpful to many with chronic pain over the years. People can feel unsettled or unwell intially so that good instruction is important. I've been practicing this and teaching this for many years, pdn