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Anyone know a PT IN LOS ANGELES?

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 9:11 pm
by nervyjoe
Hello, I had surgery for PNE about a month a go and need to start planning PT...I live in Los Angeles and only know of one person who specializes in pelvic pain and while i did see her for a few months, i wasn't really impressed with the program or results. More specifically with the fact that while she did recognize the fact that my pelvis was out of alignment, she didnt really put a lot of focus or importance to that and dedicated most sessions to stretching and 'relaxing' the pelvic floor muscles. I'm concerned now because it wasn’t until after surgery that I realized I should have really focused more on the pelvic alignment issues and rectifying that before doing a surgery...anyhow, I will most definitely address this with the next PT I see soon so that hopefully now that I am PNE "free" we can align the pelvic properly and hopefully have a 'cure'

Anyone know of a good PT in Los Angeles area?

Thanks a lot!!

Re: Anyone know a PT IN LOS ANGELES?

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 9:42 pm
by nyt
I can't answer your questions regarding PT but you might want to consider a chiro for your pelvis alignment. In my experience I found they were better than PT for getting my hips aligned. You might want to send a note to HerMajesty and ask about the Hesch method to get and keep your hips aligned. She would know whether there is anyone in Los Angeles and she is extremely knowledgeable regarding the pros and cons of the Hesch method.

How are you doing since surgery?

Re: Anyone know a PT IN LOS ANGELES?

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:15 pm
by HerMajesty
Take a look at , Deena Goodman PT. She has enough Hesch Method training to correct some problems with pelvic alignment and to discern when there are additional pelvic alignment issues beyond her scope. She is able to refer complex cases to Jerry Hesch directly when necessary as he is not far from LA (in Henderson NV, Southernmost border of Las Vegas Valley). Hesch Method is brief treatment, so Mr. Hesch only sees patients for an average of 3 visits 3 days in a row, making him very accessible to patients in the Southwest because there is no necessity for repeated travel.

Re: Anyone know a PT IN LOS ANGELES?

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 12:55 am
by pomegranate ... ie-sarton/ ... y_services

Check out Julie Sarton. I've heard only the best about her from my pelvic pain friends around the country.

Re: Anyone know a PT IN LOS ANGELES?

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 4:06 pm
by merrie
Julie Sarton or Angela Spruill. Both are excellent. Julie is in oc (irvine i think) and Angela is in west hills in the valley.


Re: Anyone know a PT IN LOS ANGELES?

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 9:57 pm
by nervyjoe
Thx guys!

I have an appointment w/ julie sarton's office scheduled for early next month : )

I'm going to see a orthopedic Dr tomorrow to discuss the possible pelvic alignment issues and also see what he thinks about PT.

Not sure how much an orthopedic Dr can help at this point but it will also be the first otho i see for this condition.

nyt; i'm doing well for the most part, most pain symptoms have been lessened quite a bit since the surgery, yet it seems like its still to early to say exactly where i'm at since i've been taking it very easy since the surgery. I think once i go back to work i'll get a more accurate picture of where i stand...I'll do a complete update around the 2 to 3 month mark. Hope your recovery is going well : )

Re: Anyone know a PT IN LOS ANGELES?

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 10:44 pm
by nervyjoe
Hi Her Majesty,

I did call Jery Hesch and spoke to him for a bit -- he seemed very honest and seeing him is something i'm considering.

I was wondering if you had any experience with him and if so, was it any help?

Thank you

Re: Anyone know a PT IN LOS ANGELES?

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 2:20 am
by HerMajesty
I actually work for Jerry Hesch at the moment, which is why I know where many of the providers are and what their skill level is. I live locally to him and was referred by my pelvic floor PT in December 2009. I was totally disabled in the summer of 2009 and made some progress with pelvic floor PT alone, but she could not get my pelvis balanced. Jerry balanced my pelvis in 2 visits and I improved dramatically. My level since that time has been uncomfortable / medicated but fully functional to live my life.

I originally got involved with Jerry in trying to form a nonprofit to disseminate and research the techniques he has developed, but while we made great strides in dissemination we ultimately could not agree on how to structure the business. So I resigned from the Board but stayed on to help out with seminars and events. Jerry teaches PT's his techniques in Continuing Education Seminars, speaks at conferences, and does expo booths at conferences, and I am kind of the expert on how to run all that. I want to gradually phase out of working because my family functions better when my husband is the breadwinner and I am full time at home, but I have to find somebody really good to teach the job to first because I in no way want to sabotage the dissemination of Hesch Method which I believe is invaluable to pelvic pain patients.

I have audited Jerry's seminar twice, read many of his publications, and am familiar enough with his work that I could probably answer any questions you have. If it's a balanced / aligned pelvis you want, that is exactly what you will get from him. I strongly believe he is able to do that with 100% accuracy. The issue is, how much of your symptoms are a result of the pelvis not being in alignment? I have seen him 100% cure people, and I have seen people walk away still in pain. I am in the middle: without Jerry I would probably still be disabled, however my pelvis was VERY out of alignment for 25 YEARS (since age 14) and I have lots of secondary damage. I strongly believe if anyone had recognized and fixed my pelvic misalignment in 1985 or 1986, correcting it would have cured me 100%. However my only acute symptom from the injury was interstitial cystitis, and the only care I got was from a Urologist who focused solely on my bladder (oral meds, bladder instillations). So now I have a mind-numbing amount of muscle damage throughout my body, PFD, and Tarlov cysts (herniations of the spinal cord filled with spinal fluid) pressing on my S2 nerve roots.

Jerry Hesch is a joint guy, he corrected my joints and caused a great improvement in my symptoms, but he makes no claim to be able to fix all the rest of the stuff I just listed. The patient he is most likely to cure is the patient whose symptoms are caused entirely by pelvic misalignment, and whose symptoms have been of relatively short duration (a couple of years is fine, 25 years is not!) I strongly suggest that anyone who knows their pelvis is misaligned go to see him, because the treatment is brief, relatively inexpensive, and non-invasive. So why not see if it is all you need to feel better? But Jerry is ethical and realistic so he can't promise you any miracles, he can just promise you that he has the absolute best technique out there to correct joint dysfunction with brief treatment. I have been out there mingling in the PT community and seeing what techniques are available, and I strongly believe this statement to be true. I am an RN and fully capable to be working for 3 times what Jerry can afford to pay me (fixing people in 3 visits is NOT lucrative, if you think about it), but I have been doing it because I believe Jerry's work is important to the chronic pain community.

I just made a speech without intending to :lol: but seriously, that is my experience with Jerry Hesch and I could probably answer any additional questions you may have, I am pretty well immersed in Hesch information ;)

Re: Anyone know a PT IN LOS ANGELES?

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 1:12 am
by nervyjoe
Thanks so much for info, Her Majesty.

The orthopedic Dr I saw a couple days ago suggested that if pain symptoms don't subside as a result of the surgery, I should look into and treat possible joint dysfunction as the next step in trying to find relief from all of this. The thing that is a bit puzzling to me is not seeing much mention of Joint dysfunction as a likely cause for PNE like pain on the forum...the Dr mentioned that pain caused from joint dys function can very well present itself as typical pne symptoms such as pain in the rectum. It sounds like it's worth a shot to me, what I'm wondering however is where to have this done. I could find therapy in LA with Angela Sprulli or with Julie Sarton (irvine) yet it seems like if I'm going to treat joint dys function why not just go see Jerry in Henderson?

I have a concern regarding the physicality of his treatment - considering that I had surgery on May 9, the last thing I would want to do is to re-injure or injure the pelvic area muscles in any way. As you probably know, Dr Hibner instructs his patient s to wait at least 8 weeks before starting any kind of physical therapy, and i'm coming up on week 8 pretty soon.

Just how intense physically is Jerry's treatment?

How much does Jerry charge for his treatment?

I'm still out of the office on disability and i suppose going to nevada to see Jerry is something that if I'm going to do, would be best to move forward with while i have free time.

Thanks again for your time and info

Re: Anyone know a PT IN LOS ANGELES?

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 1:31 am
by A's Mommy
I have heard excellent things about Julie Sarton, DPT, in Orange County. You may want to PM Pianogal for more infor.

God bless

A's M