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Menstrual Cycle

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 6:01 pm
by KC17

I was just wondering what everyone's pain is like before and during their period? Mine seems to get worse the week before and stay this way during for the most part. I attribute it to the swelling that's probably occurring.

I saw a fantastic piece on Medical Mysteries the other night where a woman had sudden excruciating pain in her sciatic nerve that left her bed ridden for 2 years and nobody could figure out why and just told her she had idiopathic sciatica. Ultimately she had endometriosis that had grown on her nerve all the way down her leg causing growths that would enlarge and the slightly recede as her hormones fluctuated during the month. One of the growths had to be surgically removed and she was then placed on medication that would cease her hormone production.

Re: Menstrual Cycle

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 9:30 pm
by pomegranate
My pain is worse for 2-3 days before my period actually starts, and then I have increased pain throughout my period. I also attribute it to extra swelling and then dealing with the flow.

Tampons are pretty much out of the question, unless absolutely needed. I've found cloth pads to be my best option.

I also have horrid menstrual cramps and suspected endometriosis. I will probably be having a laparascopy this winter to check for endo. The cramps exacerbate PN pain.

Re: Menstrual Cycle

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 10:17 pm
by elizabeth.w
I have a similar pain pattern. Excruciating debilitating pain that makes me sick my stomach (including vomiting) for 1-2 days before and first two days of period, then pain goes back to more "normal" pain levels. I have adenomyosis and am starting to wonder if I also have endometriosis. This past cycle was my WORST ever and I had 10 level pain for days that even narcotics did not touch. My ob/gyn has told me I need to have a hysterectomy for the adenomyosis and should have a lap to rule out endo as well. I have been too terrified to have any of these done and thus I have a consult scheduled with Dr Hibner in November to discuss this whole nightmare.


Re: Menstrual Cycle

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 10:19 pm
by Emily B
Yep. My pain increases pre-menstrually and then while on my period. As soon as I start spotting pre-mensturally, the pain really increases. I also have cramps.

Emily B.

Re: Menstrual Cycle

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 2:23 pm
by kat
I use anti-inflammatory during my period. During that time your pelvis gets inflamed and since PN makes it inflamed all ready, periods make it really bad.
I use bromamine which is all natural and can be found at health food stores (whole foods) in my area.
IBprophen can also be used in high doses(600 mg) but I like the all natural stuff myself.

Good luck


I think I spelled bromamine and IBprophen wrong. I'm not sure.

Re: Menstrual Cycle

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 4:50 pm
by Faith
Does anyone use hormonal birth control to help with the menstrual pain? I am afraid the pill though will only flare my sacral area pain because I have read SIJD (sacroiliac joint dysfunction) pain flares pre-menstrual due to low estrogen levels. Anyone have any experience with birth control pills and PN?

Re: Menstrual Cycle

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 6:03 pm
by Celeste
I've often wondered why more women with chronic pelvic pain don't go for menstrual-suppressing hormonal treatment. Maybe the word needs to get out?

The reason I think about this is because I have the Mirena IUD, which emits daily progestin only (no estrogen) over a 5-year period of time. It doesn't have the side effects you get with regular birth control pills (which are due to the estrogen in them) and you never have to get refills or even remember to take it. After a couple of months on it I had very little PMS and just about no bleeding; after 6 months it was just a little spotting, maybe. It's like the next best thing to menopause, and there is none of the cramping or finding a way to deal with pads or tampons.

I've also been reading that it is being prescribed as a way to manage dysfunctional uterine bleeding for women who don't want surgery that might impair future fertility. If you did want to become pregnant, you return to your normal fertility upon removal of the IUD.

Insurance covered my Mirena at 80%; it was $500 at the time so my share was $100, and over 5 years that is a huge savings over being on the pill or purchasing disposable sanitary supplies. I've read that the price has gone up to close to $800 now, but still...even at $160 it's a bargain.

There is a hormone-free IUD that contains copper and which is good for 10 years, however it doesn't control bleeding in the same way.

For the initial insertion most doctors want you to have it done when you have your period so they know you're not pregnant, and if your doctor doesn't keep them in stock they will have to order one for you upon insurance approval so there can be a little lead time in getting one. I hope this helps!

Re: Menstrual Cycle

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 7:22 pm
by Emily B
One of the reasons many of us can't take advantage of hormone treatments is because of terrible side effects. It's a bummer.

Emily B.

Re: Menstrual Cycle

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 7:54 pm
by Celeste
Emily B wrote:One of the reasons many of us can't take advantage of hormone treatments is because of terrible side effects. It's a bummer.Emily B.
I feel for those who have already tried it and have had side effects; I mostly just wanted to get some information out for those who had not considered it.

Re: Menstrual Cycle

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 12:05 am
by pomegranate
Faith wrote:Does anyone use hormonal birth control to help with the menstrual pain? I am afraid the pill though will only flare my sacral area pain because I have read SIJD (sacroiliac joint dysfunction) pain flares pre-menstrual due to low estrogen levels. Anyone have any experience with birth control pills and PN?
The birth control pill gave me vaginal dryness, which exacerbated my vulvodynia. It did alleviate my cramps and other menstrual pain. I often felt that the pill de-estrogenized me, in a sense.

Perhaps the mini-pill is a better option for people like me? I'm not sure.
