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What can I expect post-op? Surgery with Dr. Hibner in 4 wks!

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 8:32 pm
by profe9
I am very interested in your experience post-operatively. I will be going to Phoenix by myself and am wondering what I will need to take, what suggestions you might have for me for the first week - few months post-op. I'm looking for practical ideas so that I can be best prepared for what happens after surgery.
I am a 63 year old retired college prof with pne. I've had nerve blocks, a pain pump and a couple of years of physical therapy.
Thank you in advance for your suggestions.........Art

Re: What can I expect post-op? Surgery with Dr. Hibner in 4

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 10:50 pm
by RJR
Hello Art,
Feel free to see my experiences since surgery with Dr Hibner on 1 Nov '10. Like you will be, I was on my own. Under Case Updates, I post under RJR.
Good luck and I wish you well,

Re: What can I expect post-op? Surgery with Dr. Hibner in 4

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 2:14 am
by Violet M
Hey, Art --- I didn't see Hibner so I can't answer your questions as well as some others can but I just wanted to wish you all the best with your surgery and remind you to have some ice gel packs on hand. And....take pain medications if you need them. ;)

Take care,

Violet M

Re: What can I expect post-op? Surgery with Dr. Hibner in 4

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:08 pm
by nyt
You can search under NYT to see my experience wiht Hibner. I also had posted a question about travelling alone and you will find responses there. If you are flying, if you can afford it get two seats as it makes the travel much easier. Plan on a wheelchair to get around the airport so bring extra $1.00 for tipping wheelchair transport people. I am 3.5 months post-op and do have some improvement. I have a long way to go but am happy for what improvements I have. Am scheduled to have the other side done in Feb 2012.

Good luck and PM if you specific questions that you haven't found answers to on the forum as many of us have posted our post-op experiences.

Re: What can I expect post-op? Surgery with Dr. Hibner in 4

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 10:09 pm
by LottaNerve

My best advice is to get a riser for your toilet seat - I have long legs and it really strained my operated side trying to keep my leg sticking out straight instead of bending it. I wish I had had it at the hotel because I strained my leg that first week!

I also agree with nyt on the wheelchair at the airport.
I also called the airline and got seats for me and my sister in the front row, where the bulkhead is - there is more leg room - I was able to put my feet up and take the weight off my operated side

Expect it to take some time getting through airport security when you return, as you will be wearing the On-Q Pain Pump

I know there are more tips ... if I think of them I'll post again!