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Anyone out there with L5, S1 spinal stenosis?

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 5:34 am
by TinyDancer
Hello all,

Just found out that I have severe spinal stenosis of L5, S1. I need advise badly. I reseached pudendal neuralgia for a year and I don't have that long with this problem. Apparently, the nerve goes to the Vulva where most of my pain is and my obturator internus is almost none exsistant.

Anyone out there with advise???


Re: Anyone out there with L5, S1 spinal stenosis?

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 1:30 am
by Alan
I don't have a spinal stenosis problem but, found out that I have a buldge in the S1 area. My 'new' pain med/doctor is still trying to find out exactly where my nerve problem is coming from. What is your doctor suggesting to do next? Could physical therapy of some sort or surgery help you? Let us know. Hang in there.

Re: Anyone out there with L5, S1 spinal stenosis?

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 3:54 am
by TinyDancer

I'm doing PT which has made it worse and I'm getting an injection of steriods on Wednesday. I know the doctor thinks it will be just time before I'm in the OR for a laminectomy and fusion. There is not a lot to do for it and it causes severe leg pain and spasms in my legs so badly that my husband can't hold them down.

Bet that bulge is pretty painful. Do your legs get really heavy and tired after you've been on them for awhile?


Re: Anyone out there with L5, S1 spinal stenosis?

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 1:07 am
by Alan
How did the steroid go after the injection? Hope your pain is calming down.