Link for Letter to Doctors please?

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Link for Letter to Doctors please?

Post by Jeanette_C »

Hi, I have been reading these forums for the past two years and it has taken me all this time to pluck up the courage to join in. I am in Australia and Do have my story, but for now, may I be a nuisance and ask someone to point me in the direction of the link for the letter to doctors explaining PN. I have done a search on the forums...even saw it yesterday but I am really sorry that I just cannot find it. I need it for yet another doctor in a few days time, after which I will be back to tell my tale of woe :)
I really am so debilitated that I'm literally "bed bound" now.

As I said, I really would love some advice and to tell my the meantime, thank you in advance and I apologise if I have put this post in the wrong place or done something wrong. I promise to learn along the way.
Cheers Jeanette
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Re: Link for Letter to Doctors please?

Post by calluna »

Hi Jeannette, welcome to the forums.

You'll find the Fact Sheet handout for Medical Professionals here - that's in the Announcements and Community section. Hope this helps!
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Re: Link for Letter to Doctors please?

Post by Ezzl »

Hi jeanette,

I live i'n Sydney Australia n have had the pn release surgery n going through the procedures again to see where else I'm entrapped. Feel free to pm me n I'd love to talk to u
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