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Femoral Hernia....OP or not

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 1:29 am
by Amanda
Having recently had some extra pain in my lower left abdomen areas near to the pubic bone but not in the bladder area I went to my doctor.....
Strangely enough for me I had a difficulty in urinating..normally I am like piddling pete but was struggling to urinate and was straining a lot which was unusual.
The doctor examined me and gave me antibiotics but missed the area where Im feeling this lumpy area and tingling pain...Im hugging a hot water bottle 24/ reminds me of my serious endometriosis days pre pne diagnosis and is scarey. Having googled a lot I think I have a femoral hernia...pain on movement, sitting etc....I lie on my left side nearly 24/ how on earth do I get comfy?
The google results show that a strangulation of this area of herniation is an emergency situation...I am not happy about that right now as I am away from home. I do have insurance which will pay to repatriate me home again...I dont want any unnecessary surgery as I already ahve had enough of that and have a diagnosis of CRPS so additional pain causes me more pain receptors.....arghhh! my normal meds arent hitting this new pain hence the hot water bottles.
Has anyone had this surgery?

Re: Femoral Hernia....OP or not

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 2:03 am
by Lernica

I have had the same symptoms as you, also on the left side. Dr. Andrew thought that it was my genitofemoral nerve entrapped by an extremely tight psoas muscle. Each time he worked on that muscle, the shooting pain would refer down into that area on the left of the pubic bone and into the genitals. He treated the psoas muscle with the shockwave gun and with ART manipulations. After my seven-day treatment, and after seven post-treatment weeks of psoas stretching three times a day, the pain is much better.

I hope your pain resolves soon.

Re: Femoral Hernia....OP or not

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 4:12 pm
by Karyn
Hi Amanda,
Are you sure you have a hernia? Hmmmmmm .... I also have a tight, lumpy area in that region as well. I thought it might be the obturator muscle (?). I definitely have a significant amount of pain along the course of the genitoformal nerve. I'm waiting for a surgery date for the ilioinguinals and ilohypogastric nerves. I wanted Dr. Conway to do the genitofemorals, too; but I don't think he addresses that nerve. I need to double check.

I'm very interested in Dr. Andrews theory and his treatment seems to be at least somewhat effective. Where the ART minipulations done in together with the shockwave, or one after the other?

Re: Femoral Hernia....OP or not

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 10:33 pm
by Lernica
Karyn wrote: I'm waiting for a surgery date for the ilioinguinals and ilohypogastric nerves. I wanted Dr. Conway to do the genitofemorals, too; but I don't think he addresses that nerve.

I'm very interested in Dr. Andrews theory and his treatment seems to be at least somewhat effective. Where the ART manipulations done in together with the shockwave, or one after the other?

First Glenn applies the shockwave gun to the muscle, then Dr. Andrews does the ART on it. The shockwave loosens up the muscle, and the ART "strips" it (Not really sure what that means, to tell you the truth.) Both procedures are, unfortunately, quite painful.

Another unique feature of Dr. Andrew's treatment is that it addresses all the nerves in the pelvis, not one at a time (as in surgery). I hate to think of you undergoing so many more surgeries, Karyn! And the Cornwall team might even be able to address your painful feet. ESWT is apparently an FDA-approved treatment for plantar fasciitis. Plus, the Cornwall team throws in a pair of custom orthotics as part of their treatment. I'm finding mine to be very comfy and helpful for my feet.

Re: Femoral Hernia....OP or not

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 2:05 am
by Amanda

I have no diagnosis at the moment, but I am wracked in agony over the weekend...hugging my hot water bottle and taking more meds than normal.
Im scared...Im not at home but away at the moment, I will fly home tomorrow if necessary once I see a gp to clarify that I can fly safely. I have private insurance to cover costs but that doesnt matter right now...Im too sore to care about the costs...I dont feel at all well and am not happy right now.

Re: Femoral Hernia....OP or not

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 3:37 am
by Violet M
Saying a few prayers for you Amanda, and hope you will be OK. You are right, if your life is at stake cost does not matter at the moment. Please do what you have to do to get help!


Re: Femoral Hernia....OP or not

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 3:49 pm
by Ray P.
I few years ago my PNE symptoms seemed to be getting gradually worse over the previous months. It turns out I had a hernia for who knows how long. I looked online for symptoms of a hernia, and they seemed to be much like the symptoms I have been having with PNE. I thought this was interesting; hoping my hernia operation would clear up my PNE symptoms. Had the operation, and it did not clear up any of my PNE pains. I was so disappointed.


Re: Femoral Hernia....OP or not

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 1:57 am
by Amanda
Just to let you know that my diagnosis in my homeland was a torn illoguinal ligament and internal oblique muscle.
I am taking things very easy and walking very gently now with plenty of heat and ice alternatively...i have taken many anti spasmodic meds which space me out too much so its going to take a while to ease this pain...any twisting movements are a big nono at the moment. Phew thankfully there is no serious reason for my pain however it is not easy to just stay still either! I thought PN pain was bad but this is not good

Re: Femoral Hernia....OP or not

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 5:08 am
by Lernica
You poor thing, Amanda. So your instinct was right that something more serious was going on. How on earth did you tear those muscles???

Re: Femoral Hernia....OP or not

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 4:54 pm
by Amanda
Thanks Lernica

I am ok this ligament will only heal with plenty of rest and NO lifting or Bending.
I injured it by carrying some heavy shopping - I only went to the shop for two things as we all do and ended up buying far more than I should have carried; normally I have a trolley for heavy shopping but I had left it at home!!!!! Not very clever at I wont leave the house without the trolley in case I get an urge to buy more than I need!