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saying hello. Gold Coast newbie

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 4:53 am
by gcman
Just thought I'd say hello to all. I'm a 64yo male on the Gold Coast and my symptoms started with a "stinging/burning" anal pain. I am told I have weak pelvic floor muscles and the stretching is causing nerve pain and it has been wrecking my once normal life. Am starting Endep med and physio--(not Peter Dornan, just found out about him from this site). I have a feeling I'm starting on a long journey after reading this forum and getting myself back to normal may not come easily if it comes at all. I don't have any other symptoms, just the anal pain which gets worse throughout the day eventually stopping me functioning. I usually have a pain free window after I get up until I visit the loo then the cycle starts again. Sound about right to some of you or am I unique.
Of course suggestions and comments welcome as I'm a newcomer to the wonderful world of the PN.

Re: saying hello. Gold Coast newbie

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 9:04 pm
by Violet M
Welcome to the forum. Hopefully you will have good luck with endep and physio and not need to pursue any further treatments -- and this will be a short journey for you! Let us know how it goes for you.

Violet M

Re: saying hello. Gold Coast newbie

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 1:34 am
by gcman
Thanks Violet. Altho' I sit around feeling sorry for myself I guess I am not too badly off compared with other nightmare stories I see on the PN forums. Always someone else worse off etc. altho' tales of anyone fully getting back to 100% normal seem pretty rare. Comforting to know I'm part of a community and not on my pat malone (that'll confuse international browsers)
I'll post on my progress. Anyone else on the Gold Coast?

Re: saying hello. Gold Coast newbie

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 8:47 pm
by bindy15
Hi there from NZ
Your symptoms are just like mine...anal pain the primary concern and bowels motions setting the day off with a bang ! Reading your post was so familiar, I am 5 years post op via Vancaillie in Sydney. I know it is a very long journey, take one day at a time and remember there are people like me out here. My anal pain is now 95% gone, I sit, I play golf and I walk long distances. Mine was clearly an entrapment caused by cycling and freeing the nerve has made the difference for me. Nothing will happen overnight but persevere, I would say first stop Peter Dornan to check the pelvic floor, small steps but be proactive.
All the best

Re: saying hello. Gold Coast newbie

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 9:27 am
by helenlegs 11
Hi there,
Glad you found hope. You will find a huge amount of good info on the home pages gcman. As Violet said, hopefully conservative treatments will be enough for your problem, fingers crossed anyway.
Take care

Re: saying hello. Gold Coast newbie

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 1:44 am
by gcman
Thanks for all the replies and encouragement. Things have changed since I first posted. I am now seeing Peter Dornan, getting manipulation and doing home exercises for almost 4 weeks now. I am improving and hopefully this will continue. For the 1st time I feel I'm getting help from someone who can identify the cause ( PN due to immobile part of the SI joint) and knows how to treat it. Peter got a big spread in the Sat. colour mag. in the Brisbane Courier Mail newspaper recently so he is likely to get an increase in patients.
I think there is some light at the end of the tunnel.