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New here. Male issues: Suffering from Pain and Tingling

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 10:40 pm
by dbejeoBette3
Hello I'm male age 30

I suffered some abnormal pains 1 month ago that started a whole series of symptoms.First of all, i did have some sex . Had no pain.

Then 20 minutes after, this happened:
The pains were when i went to pee in the restroom and i felt electircal shock-like pains(2 of them) in the penis male area. After that, i have all these symptoms
that are still present today and I've been anxious and panicking.

1. Tingling/Burning around scrotum and penis
2. Urination problems
-Inability to feel urge. Don't feel strong urge when i wake up in morning. Dont feel strong urge/defined urge almost none at all during day. It's mainly very vague tiny sensation that tells me maybe i have pee in my system but it's almost nothing
-difficulty starting to pee when i do go to the restroom
-urinary stream breaks up alot and i can't seem to have control in making stronger. it dies out. then i get it again.. and dies out.. etc. then
-weak urinary stream but not too much. actually lately it starts strong
-feel like i want to do even after i did.
-even when out of restroom, feel small urge like i have pee in me. although i really dont.
-When I go have a bowel syndrome i would usually pee strong . But after the injury, now it keeps breaking up and after i do one stream, it dies out and i have to wait for more streams to come. so it takes a while to completely feel empty

3. some sharp pains in the penis
4. At times when i sit and i pass gas, i get pain in the penis glans.
5. at times when i move or like bend my torso or my penis gets squeezed by the pants/underwear i get a pain in the penis.

It's been 1 month with these symptoms, and although the urination has become alittle better in terms of stream strength..and also the sharp pains have decreased..i still have them many times, and the urination abnormal still. I have no pain with urination , and no pain with ejaculation(which i tried just to test).

I've gone to a urologist who did see i have a tender prostate and thus is treating me for Prostatitis.. But i dont think that explains why i have pains
upon being touched/bumped in the penis or the fact that i have some very annoying tingling/buringin in the scrotum/penis. Kind of like pins/needles.
not exactly like pins/needles but something like it.

The prostatitis symptoms I read in the web , always say that people have a frequeent strong urge to urinate. And mine is not that, mine is that I have a veeery verrrry weak or manytimes nonexistent urge to pee.

Don't my symptoms sound more like PN, than prostatitis? An article i read in the web said that some people dianogsed with Prostatitis can actually have PN instead. In my case the initial pain i had in the penis cause Electrical shock-like pains so I been thiking this may be some nerve damage that somehow has affected sensation in the scrotum and sensation in the bladder/urinary system in terms of control and urge to urinate.

I dont reall y have pains when i sit. And my pain doesn't increase when i sit.

Re: New here. Male issues: Suffering from Pain and Tingling

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 12:37 am
by helenlegs 11
Hi There and Welcome to hope,
Glad you have found this site and hope we can help.
The electric shock type pains do sound nerve related but I would keep on with the prostate treatment although it will do no harm for you to investigate PN and the treatments available too.
I would take a look at the home page here. You will find a whole heap of good information on there including a list of symptoms and treatments available.
The usual first things to implement are medication and some PT. Again the home pages have the information.
Take a look at the lists of Doctors too, if you find that physiotherapy with medication works for you, great! but many doctors can try a nerve block if you need a complete diagnosis and/or additional conservative treatment.
Let us know how you get on :)
Take care,

Re: New here. Male issues: Suffering from Pain and Tingling

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 4:47 am
by Violet M
Welcome to the forum.

Not sure what your diagnosis is but pudendal neuralgia is certainly a possibility based on your symptoms. I agree with Helen, if you can find a physical therapist (from our list of PT's) that's close to you, you could get an evaluation to see what might be going on. The pudendal nerve innervates the bladder sphincter. Tight pelvic floor muscles can put pressure on the pudendal nerve and cause irritation without a nerve entrapment. But you also want to be sure there isn't some sort of impingement higher up in the spine that's affecting your sensation in the genital area.


Re: New here. Male issues: Suffering from Pain and Tingling

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 10:13 pm
by ezer
It is fair to look at prostatitis. It is always a possibility and an empirical course of ciprofloxacin is customary. That was the first diagnosis for some of us here on the forum and I know some people for whom prostatitis was indeed the issue.

Re: New here. Male issues: Suffering from Pain and Tingling

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 10:36 pm
by flyer28
Problem is, that sometimes there is not a clear border-line between non-bacterial prostatitis/CPPS and PN. You might have chronic pelvic pain/prostatitis and irritated pudendal nerve (without entrapment of nerve). Pudendal nerve (or at least some its parts) are often irritated by prostatitis, but this does not mean that you have to undergo surgery. Many situations are pretty blurry and diffuse and the treatment course is a result of your trial and error strategy.

Re: New here. Male issues: Suffering from Pain and Tingling

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 4:43 pm
by dbejeoBette3
flyer28 wrote:Problem is, that sometimes there is not a clear border-line between non-bacterial prostatitis/CPPS and PN. You might have chronic pelvic pain/prostatitis and irritated pudendal nerve (without entrapment of nerve). Pudendal nerve (or at least some its parts) are often irritated by prostatitis, but this does not mean that you have to undergo surgery. Many situations are pretty blurry and diffuse and the treatment course is a result of your trial and error strategy.
Thanks for the info. Yeah it's difficult to know what i have. And how do you get the Doctor to perform tests? He might have his own ideas and not want to listen to mine. For example he already did bladder ultrasouond which didn't show any anbormalities .and he did the digital rectal exam(finger) which did show tender prostate. But Although i told him i also have pain in the penis and tingling in the testicles, he didn't really look closely into that.

And so far 2 weeks of Cipro and my urination still not normal. I dont feel urge to pee, and when i go it's difficult and i have weak urinary stream.

Re: New here. Male issues: Suffering from Pain and Tingling

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 3:18 pm
by Violet M
You could try giving your doc the handout for medical professionals - you can find it in this thread. ... ?f=3&t=953
Some docs will have an open mind, some won't. I hope yours will.

Take care,


Re: New here. Male issues: Suffering from Pain and Tingling

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 9:50 pm
by chenonceau
@dbejeoBette3 any update on your condition ?