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Laproscopy for Endometriosis?

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 4:57 pm
by AroraNightfire
I was considering having this done to see if I might have endo. Has anyone ended up with a neuralgia of some sort as a result of having a camera pushed down their belly button? I dont have abdominal pain, just lower back pain. My gyno thinks you need to have abdominal pain in order to have endometriosis. Any thoughts?

Re: Laproscopy for Endometriosis?

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 5:56 pm
by calluna
Well, it was laparascopic surgery that helped sort out endo and adhesions for me, and further laparascopic surgery that has helped sort out PN that was caused by non-laparascopic mesh surgery.

I think if you need surgery for endo, then lap is the best option. I didn't have abdo pain as such from my endo, just ferocious period pains - well, actually those are abdo pains, aren't they - I just thought I had painful periods and never thought any more about it than that. Do you find your pain is in line with your cycle?

Re: Laproscopy for Endometriosis?

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 12:27 am
by AroraNightfire
I have more severe vaginal burning once I start spotting before that 1 heavy day I bleed. Its really annoying. I also burn more when im ovulating. Can anyone explain this?

Re: Laproscopy for Endometriosis?

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 1:26 am
by Emily B
Hey, Calluna, can you please tell us more about how mesh contributed to your PN and how it was diagnosed via laparoscopy?

Emily B.

Re: Laproscopy for Endometriosis?

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 2:07 pm
by Karyn
The symptoms you're describing don't sound like endo.
AroraNightfire wrote:My gyno thinks you need to have abdominal pain in order to have endometriosis.
There are always exceptions, but lower abdominal pain, kinda like menstruation cramps - only more severe, as Culuna described, can be indicative of endo.
AroraNightfire wrote:I dont have abdominal pain, just lower back pain.
If that's the case, I'd pass on the lap procedure and get imaging done of your sacral plexus.
Best regards,

Re: Laproscopy for Endometriosis?

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 3:18 pm
by calluna
ANF - if your lower back pain is in line with your cycle - ie you get this pain when you are menstruating - then I'd think it could be endo.

I am no expert on this but isn't endo pain because of bleeding (during menstruation) from the stray endometrial tissue which can get itself into some very strange places. For example I had endometrial tissue actually inside my gut, apparently it must have got in there when I had a ruptured appendix age 11.

No ideas about the vaginal burning during ovulation and before menstruation, wonder what that is. What does your gynae think about it?

Emily B - Briefly, I have a history of pelvic prolapse, have had numerous surgical repairs including bladder suspension and vaginal hyst. Then had lap surgery to remove adhesions which had caused a gut obstruction, this was when they discovered I had endo. No mesh used up to that point. Then I had a vault prolapse, basically nothing south of the navel was working, surgeon at my local hospital said nothing could be done, situation was too complex. Was offered second opinion, visiting surgeon from Australia said he could help me, and he did a total pelvic reconstruction using a lot of mesh. After the surgery everything was working again, which was unbelievably wonderful, but the entire pudendal distribution was numb. Feeling came back over 2-3 weeks as pain, and stayed that way. It was apparent that something had happened to the pudendal nerve during the surgery.
I have now had a lot of the mesh removed laparascopically, and at the same time a laparascopic ventral mesh rectopexy was done to prevent further prolapse.

Re: Laproscopy for Endometriosis?

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 4:49 pm
by Jax87
I get more vaginal burning right before and during my period. Not sure why, but other PN women report the same thing. Maybe because of increased tissue inflammation?

Re: Laproscopy for Endometriosis?

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 10:21 am
by kia kaha
AroraNightfire wrote: I also burn more when im ovulating. Can anyone explain this?
I do too, but i've had a laporoscopy for endo and i DO NOT have endo.
Still get more pain during ovulation, no idea why.

Re: Laproscopy for Endometriosis?

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 3:58 pm
by Karyn
kia kaha wrote:Still get more pain during ovulation, no idea why.
Could be inflammation irritating the ilioinguinal nerve.

Re: Laproscopy for Endometriosis?

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 8:24 pm
by kia kaha
Karyn wrote:
kia kaha wrote:Still get more pain during ovulation, no idea why.
Could be inflammation irritating the ilioinguinal nerve.
thanks, why couldn't my gyne have told me that a few weeks ago.
He says I have illioingual nerve compression too
