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pelvic floor physiotherapist

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 4:07 pm
by chillijava
does anyone have a list of specialist physios for tight pelvic floor muscles, i think i will be needing one soon and am not sure where to look, i have searched on the net but cant seem to find one in my area, the midlands does anyone know of any

Re: pelvic floor physiotherapist

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 2:49 am
by Violet M
Andrea, there is the list on our website but not too many from the UK on that list. Maeve Whelan has some more on her website. She's listed on our website under Ireland. I think she teaches seminars for other PT's and probably has a list of PT's who have attended her seminars so you might want to contact her and see if she knows anyone in your area.

Good luck,


Re: pelvic floor physiotherapist

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 9:54 am
by Geraldine
If you look at Maeve Wheelan's website under the heading Manual Therapy you will find a list of physios who have experience of working with patients with pelvic floor issues.
I have very tight pelvic floor muscles and 2 years ago went to one of the physios in London ( at that time there were only about 3 on Maeve's list ) which was quite a drive. At first it all went well but gradually the treatment became more and more aggressive and caused too much pudendal nerve pain, so i had to stop. So if you find one near you make sure they know and understand about pudendal nerve issues.
Good luck with your search.
Hope your recovery is going well.
