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Delayed pain

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 7:28 pm
by flyer28
Dear folks, I would like to ask you, about your experiences with delayed pain.
I feel that this might be a clue to the onset of my problems in 2009-2010....I had several episodes of DELAYED pain in my genital/pubic area, before my pain became chronic and constant. First few times it was after sex, then also after tennis playing, long driving etc. The pain came cca 24-48 hours after stimulus (longer intercourse etc.), never immediately. Then pain after 7-10 days faded away, before it became chronic in late 2010.
My question is: do you think that delayed pain points clearly to neuralgia? or it migth be also muscular related? I was asking many doctors, the answers were not conclusive, e.g. my physiotherapist said that especially in pelvic region, also muscles and general pelvic floor might react with some latentia, lets say 1-2 days...
I have never had pain/problems during the sex and immediately after that, never till the next day...Strange enough.
Is this DELAYED pain clear indicator of neuralgia? Or this is not a proof? what do you think and what are your experiences with delayed pain?

Re: Delayed pain

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 8:07 pm
by ezer
Yes, it was very much the case especially at the beginning. Even sitting did not have an immediate effect. But after a few years it was not so much the case anymore and the correlation became instantaneous.

Re: Delayed pain

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 9:12 pm
by HerMajesty
I have always been a delayed pain gal and definitely a neuralgia patient vs. muscle related pain, but I am not sure if you can "tell" the cause of the pain just based on whether it is immediate vs. delayed. But throughout my experience with neuralgia it has always been delayed for me - AFTER driving, sex, excercise, heavy lifting, etc, never during.

Re: Delayed pain

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 6:01 am
by Violet M
Delayed pain for me too. Burning pain usually occurs several hours or the next day after certain activities and I think it's neuropathic pain


Re: Delayed pain

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 2:34 pm
by Karyn
HerMajesty wrote:I have always been a delayed pain gal
Me too. Even with PT, I'd leave feeling no better (sometimes just a little worse) and then the next day(s) I'd feel like I'd been run over by an 18 wheeler. Same with the nerve blocks, chiro, massage, etc ....

Re: Delayed pain

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 3:37 pm
by flyer28
Thanks for the answers...
I have totally same experience. Not so much now, becuase of chronicity, the worsening is immediate after PT, sex etc...
But in the beginning - pain sometimes came 48 hours after stimulus - I was totally scared how the hell the pain can be so much delayed...e.g. 2 days after sex I had no problems and then the neuropathic pain - pin and needles - came and lasted 7-10 days before it subsided. Now I know.

Re: Delayed pain

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 9:19 pm
by helenlegs 11
Yes flyer same here, definite delayed pain.
My theory for this is that muscle and scar tissue related nerve pain is a slightly 'softer' entrapment/irritation than say a herniated spinal disc entrapment. I have had one of those in the past (S1/L5) so I know the immediate agony of a sneeze or bend etc with this diagnosis. Fortunately with this spinal problem there is a tried and well tested surgical solution, which I also took advantage of :) .
Every nerve is supposed to move and glide within the body to an extent and I think even within it's protective outer sheath so it can stand a fair bit of 'mashing' before pain sets in. I also think that as time goes on the pain does become more constant and immediate (or maybe less delayed) although good pacing can offset both to an extent.
Just my own thoughts on this however.

Re: Delayed pain

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 6:52 am
by Dizzyblonde
Can anyone tell me if they know of anyone who has had PN surgery still getting delayed pain (or any personal experiences by post-op patients)? After recovery phase, does one need to always be mindful of triggers? I would assume so but don't know enough about post-op restrictions if any. :roll:

Re: Delayed pain

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 10:56 pm
by Violet M
Judy, I continued to have delayed post-op for at least 18 months but slowly most of it has faded. I still have to be careful to avoid certain activities, especially anything that strains the pelvic ligaments or sitting for long periods of time in the wrong chair.


Re: Delayed pain

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 10:46 pm
by kathyd
Hi Folks
My reaation is different ...My anal pain is on contact so that I either tolerate it by kinda kneeling on a stool type chair if we are out, or just jump up and stand.
I then usually have more pain afterward. ,right afterward. Then it goes back to baseline.
My standing pain in anal area occurs soon after I am up and about for the day.

When My pain first began a few years ago it was mild and only occurred when sitting--- in sit bones (pain in icshial tubes and sometimes the right perieum)). It would stop as soon as I got up and walked....
Surgery to address the icshial tube pain ....(re-section of posterior femoral cutaneous nerve and inferior cluneal) brought on my current pain about 3mos post surgery... assumedly scar tissue.

I feel like like I present differently than most folks so its hard to know exactly whats going on... various diagnosies...