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Re: The agony when things go wrong down there

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 1:24 pm
by Rosemary
Hope this recent coverage of this subject in papers and TV in Australia is picked up and reported in the UK.

Rosemary x

Re: The agony when things go wrong down there

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 5:52 pm
by Anne smith
Excellent article!
I am lucky(so far) that my pain tends to be more of the rectal kind, although I have had minor burning , and sporadic cystitis. It was very interesting to me that it sugested a link between chronic thrush and the tensing of the pelvic floor.
I suffered for many years! We are a long way off getting a good understanding from our but articles like these can only help
Anne smith

Re: The agony when things go wrong down there

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 3:16 am
by Violet M
Here's a link that shouldn't expire:

Re: The agony when things go wrong down there

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 12:16 pm
by Rosemary
Hi Sunil

I admire you for stepping forward to be interviewed - i hope it is taken up as more awareness of a problem is a help to anyone be it men or women.

Rosemary x

Re: The agony when things go wrong down there

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 2:55 pm
by Karyn
sunil wrote:Be that health wise, "race" - there is no such things as race we are all human beings, gender, etc.
I agree, Sunil. Such as Rosemary, I also admire you for stepping forward and stating your case. So many more people truly do need to realize this isn't a "female problem".
Best of regards,

Re: The agony when things go wrong down there

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 1:15 pm
by Rosemary
Hi Sunil

I think it is the nature of any forum that you get a core of people who post regularly and you could say form a group.

I have seen this work to the detriment of others on another forum which was not good but i don't sense that on here.

Being a new member here i have received nothing but caring replies from both females and males.

Take care now. :)

Rosemary x

Re: The agony when things go wrong down there

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 3:52 pm
by Karyn
Hi Sunil,
I've got to agree with Rosemary again. Personally, I don't see a division of male vs. female here. However, I do see it more in the medical and non-chronic pain community. One of our goals in this organization is to create awareness about PNE and it's associated disorders, and I think we've been clear about how these conditions are non-discriminate of gender, age, race, social status, etc ....
I was recently awarded Disability Retirement. Part of the process was for an Investigator to come to my home to interview me. I asked for a copy of his report after I was granted.
The very first line reads: "Applicant has host of FEMALE PROBLEMS, starting back in 2008 when she had a hysterectomy". Although I got a good laugh out of it, I couldn't help but feel a bit insulted, too. As we know here, I'm not disabled due to female problems. Something that's more often than not given credibility to. So, there is a flip side.
sunil wrote:The problem is that many females in here seem to have a little group going and it appears as if we live in two different worlds.
Well, I think this is true to an extent. But again, I don't think it's a male vs. female thing. It's natural to gravitate to and form bonds with certain people who have specific commonalities with you.
It makes me feel sad that you would feel left out or separate from this community. I would like to work this out and come to some kind of constructive resolution with the hope you may feel like the respected, valuable, and cared about person that you truly are.
I wish less stress and anxiety for you as the week progresses. You're in my thoughts.
Warm regards,

Re: The agony when things go wrong down there

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 7:34 pm
by helenlegs 11
it is well known that typically women are good communicators Sunil, but so are you.
You can be a honorary member of the women's PN 'group' here ;) if it existed, or we can just see ourselves as people who need help but can offer it too (as we often do).
I really think we are all a great team here,with different points of view, opinions, history and knowledge to offer. I would never want anyone to feel marginalised, for whatever reason.
Take care,