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Physiotherapists in London or SE of UK

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 4:03 pm
by James42
Could anyone recommend any pyhsiotherapist in London or the South East of England who deal with Male PN/PNE.
Many thanks.

Re: Physiotherapists in London or SE of UK

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 6:49 pm
by molly
Hi James,

There is a pn aware physio in London called Maria Elliot,
I,m not sure she treats men but you could ring her and if she does,nt she will be able to put you in touch with somebody who does. She is very experienced and from what I,ve heard very hands on.

If you goggle her you will get her contact details.



Re: Physiotherapists in London or SE of UK

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 12:40 am
by helenlegs 11
Hi James, welcome to HOPE.
Here is a list for the UK James.
I can't personally recommend anyone, sorry. Maybe again you could ring around from the list as they will all be PN aware.
Take care,

Re: Physiotherapists in London or SE of UK

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 11:08 pm
by DrRuthJones
Hi there
Maeve & I have taught between us the folk on so check in there. Im teaching soon a course for male CPPS so there should be more PT working with guys. Since the book Leon & I published on Chronic Pelvic Pain: Practical Physical Medicine, more GP's & consultants are understanding & happier to refer to Physios & also suggest to them to read/ get hold of Fall et al 2010 European Guidelines on CPP. Hope that helps

You can contact me at Im currently working in Southampton.

Best wishes


Re: Physiotherapists in London or SE of UK

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 7:13 pm
by helenlegs 11
Thank you for this additional information Dr Jones.
I keep posting the information and list of practitioners on Maeve Whelan's site, and am glad that there will be additions to this list soon as PN aware pelvic physiotherapy is something that almost everyone with chronic pelvic pain should visit. Obviously this will become so much easier when there are more resources for this :)
Saw two excellent reviews about your book, one from Jerry Hesch, who we know here.
I will endeavor to check it out.

take care,

Re: Physiotherapists in London or SE of UK

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 11:39 am
by birdlife
Hi Helen, can you repost that link as keep getting a 404 error? Have heard good things of Helen Keeble who i think is in Barnes in south London. Sessions with her are not as expensive as they would be in central London, eg with Maria Elliott. But has anyone found they can be referred to a pn-aware PT through the NHS (hopeful sigh)...