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Rebuilder (?)

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 9:38 pm
by david s.
I recently encountered, in my local newspaper, an advertisement from a local medical clinic, which uses a device called a Rebuilder, for peripheral neuropathy. Since I experience, in addition to pain in the usual places of pudendal neuropathy, intermittent paresthesias down both legs into my feet (Likely, related to SIJD, caused by destruction of my sacrotuberous and sacrospinous ligaments, as well as chemical/electrical stimulation of leg nerves, by my nearby injured pudendal nerves.)

The device works by "sending an electrical impulse, which travels from one foot, up the leg, across the nerve roots in the lower back, then down the other leg to the foot. It analyzes the waveform of your particular nerves, determines any abnormalities, creates a unique waveform of the healing signal necessary, administers that signal to both feet simultaneously, and then re-evaluates the result."

I had recently tried the Stoller procedure, more commonly called Percutaneous Tibial Nerve Stimulation, which did not help, and even exacerbated my pudendal nerve pain on two occasions. In this procedure, electrodes from a TENS unit are attached to acupuncture needles placed below each ankle, with electrical impulse at fixed parameters.

I wonder if the Rebuilder is worth trying?

Re: Rebuilder (?)

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 4:41 am
by Violet M
Seems like Bill on the old tipna forum tried this. I don't recall it being a miracle though....but something may work for you even if it doesn't for someone else. If tipna is still up and running maybe you can do a search on rebuilder on that forum and see if Bill's post still exists.

Take care David,
