
Many physical activites such as sports, pelvic surgery, etc can all contribute to PN
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Post by Dave »

Has anyone noticed weight loss or weight gain causing any improvement in or worsening of symptoms? I'd like to know what both men and women have observed.
Anne smith
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Re: Weight

Post by Anne smith »

Hi dave
Yes I have done the weight loss thing! From being 12 and a half stone, I managed with will power and a greatly reduced diet to get to 10 and a 1/2 stone! . Yes I felt much more active (Whitch was good ) but as off the pain? No change .
But don't feel discouraged, we have to keep trying different things, who knows , we might just drop on something that really works!
Anne smith
Iliostomys at twenty five, just after delivery of baby
Started with rectal pain about twenty one years later
Ten years to get diagnosis, had to research myself!
Two horrific surjurys two(mend) a perennial hernia
Now with mr baranofskis team and traveling to London shortly for injections into alcocks.
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Re: Weight

Post by birdlife »

Hi Dave,
Yes logically you'd think it'd make a difference wouldn't you, but I lost half a stone bringing me to the weight i should be for my height (or lack of it :roll: ) and the only difference it made was to bladder frequency. Just a couple of lbs seems to make a difference to that. But sit pain - nope, the same.
Anne, well done you! Hope you're taking your new sylph-like figure salsa dancing :-)
PN, possible entrapment at ischial spine -Dr.Natasha Curran, National Hospital for Neurology, London.
2 -Xray guided double nerve blocks -Dr.Baranowski - no relief.
TP self-massage reduced piriformis pressure on p nerve.
CT guided block (left) 16.7.12- success! Could sit without a cushion! On a brick wall!
06/2/13 - Sit pain gradually returned, L3. Offered further CT-guided block, or an op. Had to decline at time.
Feb '15. Applying to be referred again to Dr G.
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Re: Weight

Post by kate1981 »


I was 9 stone when my horrible vaginal pain began I have lost over 2 stone I am now 6st 11. I haven't tried its just happened as a result of the illness. The pain does seem to have eased with my weight loss.
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helenlegs 11
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Re: Weight

Post by helenlegs 11 »

Must admit that my 1 stone weight loss did not affect my pain at all, although it did affect my attitude. Unfortunately I have crept back up a little again :( totally my own fault but I do tend to have a pain/poor me/what can I have? FOOD!!! I'm almost pavlovian.
I put it down to pain and emotion being so intertwined, plus my love of all things edible, except beetroot and salt and vinegar crisps!
Maybe I should go for a lie down with a couple of tramadol instead of to the fridge, or just buy beetrot. . . .no typo.
Fall 2008. Misdiagnosed with lumber spine problem. MRN June 2010 indicated pudendal entrapment at Alcocks canal. Diagnosed with complex variant piriformis syndrome with sciatic, pudendal and gluteal entrapment's by Dr Filler 2010.Guided piriformis botox injection 2011 Bristol. 2013, Nerve conduction test positive; new spinal MRI scan negative, so diagnosed for the 4th time with pelvic nerve entrapment, now recognised as Sciatic, pudendal, PFCN and cluneal nerves at piriformis level.
Mod 6
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Re: Weight

Post by Mod 6 »

By the way, for us Yankees, a stone (st) is equal to 14 pounds! :D
Anne smith
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Re: Weight

Post by Anne smith »

Hi all
Well what can I say(birdlife) as for salsa dancing! I might do myself a whole new mischief? Well( but on the other hand it might sort the whole lot out lol!!
Well Helen like your self I live to eat!! And yes I can live without beet root, but although I do police my weight! I have two great weaknesses?(tescos light choices caramela ice crime) and a couple of glasses of wine!( I'm not telling you the size of my glasses)!quite frankly when I try to cut down on the later, I do not sleep as well, ok all ( the wine police) will be horrified!! But with this physical problem I do firmly believe a good nights sleep is sacrosanct !(Hic...hic..)
Iliostomys at twenty five, just after delivery of baby
Started with rectal pain about twenty one years later
Ten years to get diagnosis, had to research myself!
Two horrific surjurys two(mend) a perennial hernia
Now with mr baranofskis team and traveling to London shortly for injections into alcocks.
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Re: Weight

Post by Dave »

I'd like to hear what men have to say about this, as men and women tend to deposit excess weight in different regions of the body.

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Re: Weight

Post by janetm2 »

Dave, Helen, others,
Sorry Dave another woman who fortunately so far and crossing my fingers has not had a weight change ( started zLyrrica and I am tracking), however in the past a 20lb difference down then back up did not affect my chronic foot/bunion pain. Given that I sata lot for the foot pain and no exerecise I have had to be vigilant in watching weight. Whether or not it would impact the new PN pain I really do not want to gain for all the other issues that can happen. I of course am on dtep with the other foodies after all being Italian, food is the #1priority! I just balance the sweets and other fattening foods with healthy stuff that I cook mostly for weekdays. Weekends are going put to eat to balance out cooking and standing on the bum feet. The PN just adds to the issues I have worked around for the last 25years. Iworked with some serios foodies and as we were eating the current mealwe were planning the next and when we went from U.S. overseas to England they went ahead for 6 weeks and whenI got there the ladt week they had allthe dinners lined up.
2007-08 pelvic muscles spasms treated by EGS. 6/27/10 sat too long on hard chair- spasms, EGS not work Botox help, cortisone shots in coccyx help, still pain, PT found PNE & sent me to Dr Marvel nerve blocks & MRN, TG left surgery 5/9/11. I have chronic bunion pain surgery at age 21. TG gave me back enough sitting to keep my job & join in some social activities. I wish the best to everyone! 2019 luck with orthotics from pedorthist & great PT allowing me to get off oxycodone.
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Re: Weight

Post by srinmav »

Dave wrote:Has anyone noticed weight loss or weight gain causing any improvement in or worsening of symptoms? I'd like to know what both men and women have observed.
Male here.

Did have much change in weight initially in 2004 when it first hit with a force - dropping from 73kg to 62kg in 4 months. Since then weight has hovered between 65-68kg. But I lost a lot of muscle mass due to inactivity and nerve damage ( especially on the lower limbs) and instead got a bigger waist line now.
PN symptoms since 1988. Full blown PN and sciatica since 2004. Diagnosed with sacral arachnoid cyst S1-S4 in 2006.
2008- 2015: Conservative management of symptoms by reduced sitting, avoiding physical strain, meditation etc.
2015-Jun 2019 Bedridden due to pain, wasting and weakness.
Jul 2019- Trying to find my way out. Scheduled for likely sacral cyst and cervical meningocele surgeries in feb 2020.
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