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another labral tear looking for advice please

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 6:27 pm
by alexm
Hello all,

I have just had the following diagnosis following a left side arthrogram:

I translate from the French:

“Femoroacetabular Impingement by Cam deformity with labral tear.”

There are a lot more details on the radiologist's report, including the fact that the right side is probably in the same state.

I have been suffering from PN since 2005. I have read all the posts on hip pathologies and PN and am wondering what should be my next step. I have read that arthroscopic surgery can cause some pudendal neuropathy and this alarms me somewhat. I am yet to see a hip specialist and have a second right side arthroram planned for next month.

I am unsure what to do with this information. My osteopath and sports doctor seem convinced that these problems are certainly aggravating or even causing my PN pain, but the specialists here in France seem very sceptical. Any help and/or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Love to al,

Re: another labral tear looking for advice please

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 10:48 pm
by Violet M
Al, I'm not an expert on labral tears but I just wanted to say I'm glad you are making progress and hope this new diagnosis will help you in eliminating your pain.

It sounds like you have read Lernica's posts/advice already. I remember she said not to mention the PN pain but to focus on the hip pain at your appointment with the hip expert.



Re: another labral tear looking for advice please

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 8:25 am
by shana
Al, I'm sorry to hear about your hip issues but I can relate. As I've said in some of my previous posts, I have labral tears in both my hips. I had a surgery done on my right hip in 2011 to fix the tear by Dr. Coleman at Hospital for Special Surgery in Manhatan. He has a study that pelvic pain and PN/PNE can be caused and/or greatly affected by your hips i.e. labral tears. When he did the surgery once he was inside he did done sort of release (I'm not sure exactly) that was suppose to help relieve pain.

I wish I can say I'm better or it helped but with my luck..
I now have a tear in my left hip and on the MRI 2 tears showed up on the right hip though I was told its hard to differentiate on an MRI the difference between a torn labrum and a repaired labrum and they would need to operate to make that determination. I had cortisone injections into both hips last week and it did relieve the pain but the affects have since worn off. I was told that the cortisone can give long time relief in some people but in others you need surgery. Since the cortisone did relieve the pain they use that as a diagnostic tool. Now we know for sure it was the labrum causing the pain (they inject into the labrum) and not something else. I have a follow up appointment in a few weeks to discuss the next step but I suspect its going to be surgery

Good luck.

Re: another labral tear looking for advice please

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 10:36 am
by alexm
Thanks for your replies,

Even after having read all the information on the forum and the articles concerning the link between PN and labral tears, I still do not feel as if I know if anyone has actually seem their PN pain dissapear after labral tear surgery. I feel a little lost and as if the issue was still rather blurred. I have seen my pain greatly reduced after several visits to the osteopath, who had already stated that my left side hip was not behaving normally even before the orthrogram MRI.

Shana, do you have a copy of Dr. Coleman's study ? It would be very interestinf for me to read it.

If anyone else has some input here, it would be greatly appreciated.

Much love

Re: another labral tear looking for advice please

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 4:26 pm
by shana
I'm relatively new to this forum and I'm not sure how to link a topic. But right under your post there's a topic called "Did labral tear surgery reduce your PN/pelvic/perineal pain?" By Lernica. Dr. Coleman's study is listed under one of the replys also if you read all the replies - there are pages and pages you will see that there are some people who report if not completely pain free post labral repair surgery much much better
Good luck

Re: another labral tear looking for advice please

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 6:34 pm
by alexm
Thanks Shana, I hadn't noticed the link before. :oops: