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Deep buttock injections

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 9:39 pm
by Anne smith
On perusing the various debates on the causes of p.n something keeps popping up that I choose to push to the back of my mind(by choice) among the many possible causes of this problem in the company of cycling weight lifting ect is deep buttock injections ! Well into my forties had an injection called epo provena! It was a man made form of the hormone progesterone . It is given out freely as birthcontrol to many women, I had it for severe endometriosis ! Strangely I had the last before a holiday I had to Malaysia! This was the holiday that towards the end of I started with the first symptoms of pn! What an awfull thought that something I elected to do could give me such a terrible legacy? Any comments would be apreisiated
Anne smith

Re: Deep buttock injections

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 10:51 pm
by helenlegs 11
I have no idea where you had these injections Anne but remember this thread from Kia kaha about arachnoiditis which is something to do with former injections again no clue where but could be spine?? sorry so clueless but it's late ;) ... 866#p34866


Re: Deep buttock injections

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 1:15 pm
by nyt
Sometimes deep buttock injections can cause muscle spasms which can mimic PNE. I know one time I had a resident at one of the pain clinics do my trigger point in my piriformis and it caused me misery for weeks because he just irritated something. Caused a big increase in my pudendal symptoms but once the muscle settled back down to its normal baseline spasm my symptoms went back to baseline. You might want to find a good pelvic floor PT for evaluation and see what they think.

Re: Deep buttock injections

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 10:46 pm
by Anne smith
Thanks nyt and Helen! First of all Helen thanks for the link you gave me! I am sure you will totally understand me when hit by another unpleasant and mind blowing condition we have to deside(I'm not even going there!!) I am sure we three will agree that although we are on a mission to make sense of our pain there is annoyingly (like a shoe) never going to be a fit all list of symptoms! Many thanks for your imput! I have joined my partner I n our local pub(as we in England call it) and after a days work(stood up) I desired to have a couple off glasses of fizz! After that I decided that it was ok to sit down( couldn't feel a thing???) oh the folly of it!! But as as I say( and no pun intended) after a few glasses of bubbly"you can't be bitter"
With thanks

Re: Deep buttock injections

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 3:32 pm
by Violet M
Could the injections have caused scar tissue to form, Anne?