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Natural Birth after PN Surgery

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 5:01 am
by NewMom2Be
I posted back in fall that I was pregnant after PN surgery. I had surgery with the Texas team in spring of 2012. I was pain-free for about 4 months and then during my pregnancy my pain came back. I only have pain on the left side. I wanted to updated and say that I did have a healthy baby boy in April via natural birth. Everything I have read was to have a C-section. The epidural was amazing! I couldnt feel any PN pain :) I am 8 weeks from the birth of my baby and I do not have any new issues. I just have the same pain on the left side. I am currently taking cymbalta and lyrica which is helping maintain my pain.

I do have an upcoming appointment with Dr. Hibner to discuss further treatment options. I wanted to say that natural birth may not be an option for some, but it can happen. I am hoping to become pain-free again. Going through pregnancy with very difficult with PN pain, but it was worth it for my perfect healthy baby boy.

Re: Natural Birth after PN Surgery

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 9:10 pm
by shana
I've been thinking of pregnancy in the next few months and all I keep hearing is DON'T DELIVER NATURALLY. I'm amazed you were able to do it and not have bad aftereffects. I've never had children so I don't know much about that area, but I've always wanted to deliver naturally, if possible. I was wondering how you came to the decision to deliver naturally? Did you push for it? Your doctor?


Re: Natural Birth after PN Surgery

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 9:31 pm
by NewMom2Be
I talked with my vulva specialist and they advised me that it could maybe help with the pain. I only have pain on the left side in my vulva area. So, I thought that maybe this could help with the pain and wanted to give it a try. I did have my ligament cut from my PN surgery. So far, I do no have any issues with it or new issues. My doctor knew that I had the nerve pain and was fine with the natural birth. When I called Dr. Ansel to ask about which route to go, they said I could do either way and that my doctor should make the decision. I was frustrated because he was the doctor that operated and my Obgyn didnt have experience with PN. My husband and I figured this was the best route and just hoped things would not get worse.

I was in labor for 12 hours and only pushed for about an hour. The epidural was so amazing! I am a tiny and had a 8 lb 5 oz baby so I did have a 4th degree tear and 40 stitches. The recovery from that was just fine. Nothing compared to my PN pain.

Being a mother is amazing and dont let PN stop you!!

Re: Natural Birth after PN Surgery

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 12:54 am
by Violet M
Congratulations, on your new baby boy! I'm glad to hear things went well for you and that you aren't having any new pain. Given all of the peer reviewed literature on how childbirth can stretch or damage the PN you are a lucky lady but maybe like you say, having the ligament already cut may have been what spared you any new pain. I hope you will be able to get the rest of your pain issues figured out.



Re: Natural Birth after PN Surgery

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 7:46 am
by helenlegs 11
Many Congratulations :D
and well done! I must admit that if I was in your situation I would have done the same thing.
I maintain that with my problem at least, the damage is done and the actual tissue damage will not get any worse now whatever happens, 'naturally'.( I must say that others will be different, of course)
Yes the pain can and does increase, sometimes massively and excruciatingly! BUT I will always get back to base line pain at some point.
Enjoy your baby boy, silly thing to say really as how can you not !
Hope he is being good and you haven't had too many sleepless nights.
My first was a dream, such a good boy, I was spoiled tbh, my second was the opposite :o until 6 months old.
Both dreamy, gorgeous guy's now. . . . . . and I renowned for my lack of any unnecessary bias ;) .

Take care,