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Support group in az for pne, pn, and any chronic pelvic pain

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 7:37 am
by michellem
Hi everyone!! My name is Michelle and I live in Arizona, thank God!! I have been suffering from pne and pn since May 2007 when I gave birth to my son. I've been wanting for several years now to start a support group for this condition and any other chronic pelvic pain issues. So if there are any whom r interested please let me know and I would luv to set it up. I have been a patient of Dr. Hibner's since fall of 2008. I've thrown it out there and don't get much feedback except that its needed. Spoke to Loretta, physical therapist at Dr. Hibner's office, she said there is nothing as well and they wouldn't be able to help and the best way is to post it here. Let me know ur thoughts on the idea. Feel free to email me as we'll at


Re: Support group in az for pne, pn, and any chronic pelvic

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 9:57 am
by Rosemary
Hi Michelle

A member called Openup recently posted here about wanting a support group in Arizona ... =68&t=4972

You can send members Personal Messages on here - Openup may look at the forum again if you contact her directly. (sorry if i am stating the obvious and you know all this already :) )

There is a sticky thread for Support Groups on here - it is at the top of the Welcome Centre page.

Hope this helps to get something started.

Rosemary x

Re: Support group in az for pne, pn, and any chronic pelvic

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 9:48 pm
by michellem
Thanks Rosemary. I did post directly to her so we shall see. I know there is a huge need for this. Especially out of Towners that come to see dr Hibner or anyone in his office. Would be great for them to have support here when they come. Would luv to help anyone experiencing this.

Michelle :) :)

Re: Support group in az for pne, pn, and any chronic pelvic

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 9:59 pm
by Violet M
Hi Michelle. Welcome to the forum.

That's great what you are doing and I wish you luck. ;)


Re: Support group in az for pne, pn, and any chronic pelvic

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 1:02 am
by michellem
Thx Violet! Appreciate it. I also appreciate you guys having this forum and website so people have support for this. It's been a long road for me and I'm sure it is for everyone experiencing this. I just want to make that support system happen here in az for people living here and those whom r from out of town.

Thx again,