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had my pn surgery

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 2:04 pm
by chillijava
hi all
sorry i havent been on here for a while but things have been hectic, well i have had my decompression surgery last friday 12th july.
mr dixon did warn me beforehand that the aim was to give me a better quality of life and less pain and that he thought a full cure was a long shot but you never knew.
i had it done at the spire bristol dr greenslade being the aneathestist (sorry about the spelling), i was very surprised when i got into theatre as mr dixon was the lead surgeon and mr wong assisted, so 2 consultants for the price of 1!
i must say at this point 6 days out of surgery its been a breeze :) hope i am not tempting fate, i was up and around the same day as surgery, not had much pain at all, if anything i am having constant vulval burning and frequent urination but at this moment no worse than before surgery and not enough to take any pain meds, i have not taken any since the day after surgery. after my previous pelvic surgery i had horrible stabbing like pain when having a wee and this seems to have gone, hope so :P
mr dixon did say that i might experience a rise in pain as the nerve has been disturbed. i did ask if the nerve was trapped and he said it was very tight in there, so i presume it wasnt but was tightly packed in but i cant be sure. i also asked how long before i knew if it was going to work again he didnt know and said i would have to wait and see.
i also asked how many pn surgeries he had done and he said i was the 18th and that non of his patients had got any worse, all had had some reduction in pain apart from 2 and 3 have no pain at all and that he was looking for at least 50% inmprovement.
i have leg lift excercises to do and can do what i like as long as i dont do too much, i live in a bungalow so stairs arent a problem. i feel fine in myself if still a little tired and hope now that it will work


Re: had my pn surgery

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 5:44 pm
by Rosemary
Hope things continue to go well for you Andrea.

Rosemary x

Re: had my pn surgery

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 10:09 am
by calluna
Such good news, Andrea! I hope things continue to go well for you. :D

Re: had my pn surgery

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 2:52 pm
by chillijava
thanks all, feel really good at the moment, strange its like my mood has lifted, even though i am still having symptoms, i am having a lot of ibs issues at the moment since surgery, this always seems to happen after i have surgery, i think its all the drugs etc.
i will keep you all posted of my progress


Re: had my pn surgery

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 1:22 am
by Violet M

That's great that things are going well so far. I hope you will continue to see improvements but please don't be too discouraged if there are some ups and downs over the next few months. We will be cheering you on for a successful recovery. ;)



Re: had my pn surgery

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 10:05 am
by chillijava
thanks violet
i think i spoke too soon as i am now starting to get the constant burning pain back, hope its a temporary thing


Re: had my pn surgery

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 9:35 pm
by Violet M
Sorry to hear that, Andrea. I had dreadful burning pain after surgery but it slowly faded over time. I used to alternate sitting in tubs of hot/cold water several times a day to keep from going insane. I think it may have helped in the healing process due to the increase in blood flow and in relaxing and calming the nerve.

Take care,


Re: had my pn surgery

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 11:21 pm
by Painful Man
Dear Andrea

You've braved the op. That was a difficult decision. Keep positive now. It may be tough at first, but hopefully will get better with time. Of course, I cannot really know what you are going through, not having had the surgery myself. (However, I have been put forward for it now. Anyway I will update properly later.) I do hope you start to feel more comfortable soon. In the meantime stay optimistic, relax, treat yourself etc.

All the very best

Re: had my pn surgery

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 9:41 am
by chillijava
the op was no problem at all and to be honest i had very little pain, but now i have worse pain than before the op, i am trying to tough it out as i dont do well on meds but i have been taking a tramadol at night and if it gets too bad i will have to take one during the day.
from what i have read it seems that the increased pain thing is normal after surgery but i wondered how long it lasted?
i was given duloxetine to take but i tried it and cant tolerate it, thats my main problem i dont tolerate most meds due to my fibromyalgia increasing side effects
just wanted some encouragement as i am starting to feel quite downhearted

keep you posted


Re: had my pn surgery

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 9:41 am
by chillijava
the op was no problem at all and to be honest i had very little pain, but now i have worse pain than before the op, i am trying to tough it out as i dont do well on meds but i have been taking a tramadol at night and if it gets too bad i will have to take one during the day.
from what i have read it seems that the increased pain thing is normal after surgery but i wondered how long it lasted?
i was given duloxetine to take but i tried it and cant tolerate it, thats my main problem i dont tolerate most meds due to my fibromyalgia increasing side effects
just wanted some encouragement as i am starting to feel quite downhearted

keep you posted
