Has ANYONE been helped by Pelvic Varices Surgery?

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Posts: 107
Joined: Sun Jan 29, 2012 7:24 pm

Has ANYONE been helped by Pelvic Varices Surgery?

Post by beverley »

I know a lot of us have had Pelvic Varices show up on the Potter MRI and as i am running out of possible causes for my PN -- i am considering pursuing my Pelvic Varices as a cause of pain. I have yet to hear of ANYONE who had pain relief from this surgery although my Pelvic pain specialist says she has patients who have had the surgery and have gotten better. Until i talk to them i don't believe it. Anyway -- anyone who can post their experiences both good and bad would be helpful.
prolonged sitting summer -- Vulvar Burning, Vulvadynia, Urinary Frequency, Lower Back Pain, Numbness in Foot, Pain when sitting, Hip Pain
1/12 90% Better after Pelvic Floor PT and 10 mg of Elavil
3/12 Potter MRI
4/12 MRI showed Labral Tears in both hips
4/12 Hip Injection with Dr Jordon -- some improvement
7/12 FAI and Labral repair Hip Surgery, Dr Coleman, HSS, 10/12-3/13 99% better!
3/13 Flared - present,
7/14 Ilioinguinal nerve block positive
Posts: 109
Joined: Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:54 pm

Re: Has ANYONE been helped by Pelvic Varices Surgery?

Post by Meliora »

I had a bilateral pelvic vein embolization done. Zero pain relief, a pelvis full of coils, took 2 hours in the OR and plenty of radiation to place coils. Now I cannot get a good MRN scan of my pelvis as I have too many coils. My last hip doctor was not impressed with the coils either. I have heard from the doctor that did my coils that it did help some woman, but I am certainly not one of them unfortunately. I understand wanting to try all avenues other than PN surgery. I wish I had a better outcome to share with you.
Posts: 107
Joined: Sun Jan 29, 2012 7:24 pm

Re: Has ANYONE been helped by Pelvic Varices Surgery?

Post by beverley »

prolonged sitting summer -- Vulvar Burning, Vulvadynia, Urinary Frequency, Lower Back Pain, Numbness in Foot, Pain when sitting, Hip Pain
1/12 90% Better after Pelvic Floor PT and 10 mg of Elavil
3/12 Potter MRI
4/12 MRI showed Labral Tears in both hips
4/12 Hip Injection with Dr Jordon -- some improvement
7/12 FAI and Labral repair Hip Surgery, Dr Coleman, HSS, 10/12-3/13 99% better!
3/13 Flared - present,
7/14 Ilioinguinal nerve block positive
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